
8 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

3 Years Ago
Cleaned codegen without running generate again :(
3 Years Ago
Renamed clientperf_detailed to clientperf_frametime
3 Years Ago
Added clientperf_detailed to return up to last 1000 client frametimes, switched clientperf to StringRaw()
3 Years Ago
Average fps more accurate for first 60 seconds (not perf 6 fps) Log last 1000 frame times (rolling buffer)
3 Years Ago
Return current performance info (report isnt updated when menu is open) and fix json
3 Years Ago
Added network version & protocol to serverinfo, status command can return json
3 Years Ago
PerformanceReport gathers all performance numbers, sends json blob & can include requestId to coorelate responses & can optionally return json
3 Years Ago
Add --json option to most text table commands: stats, playerlistpos, listvendingmachines, players, teaminfo, subscriptions, pool, print_prefabs, print_assets, packetlog, rpclog, playerlistpos, scalars,, print_approved_skins, monuments, combatlog