8,068 Commits over 3,806 Days - 0.09cph!
hack so cores/pixelgroups line up better with pixels
chainedgun states and laser
improved chainedgun patterns
invuln spiral pattern
armor opacity depends on layer, base armor doesnt have to be default
playmaker callmethod repeat toggle for clarity
combined wait time in fixedcallmethod
chained gun setheavy
mass affects physics force
chainedgun 3rd form patterns
chainedgun pxc colors
chained level on menu
gun starting angle fixed
player mine gun
stage bulleteffect handler
bullet keyframe effects, repel player/bullets
bullet mass
refactored some pattern shooting from pixelgroup to stage_bulletpatterns
bullets can spawn mirrored/doubled patterns
patterns can move their bullets with them
patterns can exist until all child bullets have despawned
relative mouse aiming has less rigid radius
pattern rotation speed abs; patterns that follow player start aiming at player
fixed player-aiming pattern start angle
changed pattern mirror modes
tweaked controls
removed non-relative mouse aiming
Merge branch 'master' into options
API for changing options pages
Temp fix for leaderboard entries not being displayed
Working on an options page system
ToggleOptionsItem functionality
SliderOptionsItem functionality
Options menu navigation system
Started work on scripts for options menu
Mocked up options UI layout
Leaderboard entry scrolling with mousewheel
Factored out some leaderboard row repetition
Wide leaderboard names now scroll left and right
Possible fix for case causing broken leaderboard rows
Overflowing leaderboard names are now left-aligned
Added masks to leaderboard names
Fixed selecting entries with the mouse
Fixed scrolling up / down while hovering over leaderboards
Started working on scrolling leaderboards
Leaderboards are displaying again with the new system
Leaderboard scrolling seems to work
Fixed not requesting more entries while up/down is held
Merge branch 'leaderboard-scrolling'
Fixed not requesting more entries while up/down is held
Leaderboard scrolling seems to work
Leaderboards are displaying again with the new system
Fix for possible InvalidCastException
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
Started working on scrolling leaderboards
Fixed not being able to unpause replays with A
Stages are now specified in the page itself
Fixed being able to select overall leaderboard entries
Can now click on replays to play them
Fixed not being able to browse other replays at the end of a replay
Fixed level leaderboard input during a GameStage
Reworking system of deciding which menu has input focus
Tweaked leaderboard positions and sizes for lower aspects
Fixed `KeyboardAndMouseRelative` input type
Can now call Stage methods from an FSM
Fixed some useless leaderboards being created
Warning comment avatars are now tinted orange
Updated Facepunch.Steamworks
NormalizePath fix for non-windows
Added linux libsteam binaries
PostProcessBuild copies linux steam binaries
Investigating why Facepunch.Steamworks doesn't configure correctly on linux
Left-clicking while using only keyboard switches to use mouse aiming
Added call to Facepunch.Steamworks.Config.ForUnity()
Game info UI hides when changing scene
Can now browse leaderboards with no entries
GlobalAroundUser leaderboards now default to Global if no entries exist
Fixed being able to drag notifications while not in a replay
Better support for leaderboard entries that are missing replays