8,042 Commits over 3,775 Days - 0.09cph!
Renamed Bounds to RectF and added a RectI struct.
Renamed Bounds to RectF and added a RectI struct.
Renamed Graphics.WidthPixels / Graphics.HeightPixels to just Graphics.Width / Graphics.Height.
Renamed Graphics.WidthPixels / Graphics.HeightPixels to just Graphics.Width / Graphics.Height.
Fix for coroutine awaitables iterating prematurely.
Fix for coroutine awaitables iterating prematurely.
Added assembly meta files to see if that fixes an issue with new clones.
Added assembly meta files to see if that fixes an issue with new clones.
Now forces the use of gmcs rather than mcs for Unix systems.
Now forces the use of gmcs rather than mcs for Unix systems.
Added commands to copy required libraries to Binaries for GamePackager.
Added commands to copy required libraries to Binaries for GamePackager.
Possible fix for incorrect path separators on Macs.
Possible fix for incorrect path separators on Macs.
Fixed missing System.Core reference.
Fixed missing System.Core reference.
Added Unity/Assets/Plugins/Editor to source control.
Added Unity/Assets/Plugins/Editor to source control.
Upgraded premake to recent development build, removed prepackaged game files.
Upgraded premake to recent development build, removed prepackaged game files.
Premake script now generates game project files.
Premake script now generates game project files.
Renamed GameAPI.lua to premake4.lua
Renamed GameAPI.lua to premake4.lua
Finished cleaning project.
Finished cleaning project.
Removed visual studio files.
Removed visual studio files.
Removed compiled binaries.
Removed compiled binaries.
Added word wrapping to the BudgetBoy.Text class.
Added word wrapping to the BudgetBoy.Text class.
Possible fix for coroutines added to Sequential / Parallel aborting early.
Possible fix for coroutines added to Sequential / Parallel aborting early.
Fixed Parallel / Sequential Add methods, allowed IEnumerator<Awaitable> methods to be used as coroutines.
Fixed Parallel / Sequential Add methods, allowed IEnumerator<Awaitable> methods to be used as coroutines.