8,078 Commits over 3,806 Days - 0.09cph!
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Populate campaign menu synchronously, but generate stage icons async
CampaignData changes to support categories
Can now pass a BulletQueryData to AffectTouchingBullets
Changed BulletPattern.IntVar type
Log an error if an ECS ParentBullet of a pattern is accessed in scripts
Turn Bumper update into a job, boilerplate for similar optimisations
Avoid allocations when using TouchingEcsBulletsEnumerable
Fixed ECS bullets with a custom OnHitPlayer sometimes not despawning
Change to Bullet.IntVar that might break legacy replays
Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings
Fixed ECS bullet property aliases using in parameters
Support for despawning ECS bullets when child patterns are removed
Fixed ECS bullets colliding with units before finishing spawning
Write session replay paths to replay metadata
Fixed hall of mirrors in gap between screens in co-op
Fixed case where two menu screens could be open simultaneously
Fixed pixel explosion particle angle on arbitrarily rotating units
Support for in parameters
Fixed stage-defined properties not being usable in generated burst jobs
Fixed default impulse friction of ECS bullets
Fixed AngleDelta being incorrect for parented ECS bullets on first frame
Fixed case where campaign completion text would show incorrectly
Fixed default value for PartDamageMultiplier in ECS bullets
Got rid of some logging
First draft of cancelling loading a stage
Fixed pixel particle initial velocity direction
Fixed how Pxc_Texture.Encode handles negative colour components
Give bullet entities names in the editor
New pixel chunk spawn position fix
Fixed new pixel chunk particle positions
Refactor sprite shader to support UV scissor
Fixed PixelExplosion angle
WIP scizzoring PixelChunks
Working on some tools for finding divergences with ECS bullets
Merge branch 'ecs-diverge-test'
Fixed TouchingEcsBulletsEnumerable
Fixed cores not animating
Only enumerate non-dynamic ECS bullets in scripts
Fixed pixel particles having the wrong emission angle
Temporarily disabled WIP pixel chunk texture scissor
Got rid of debug wait in octopus
Big SetFrame optimisation that considers animated vs static pixels
Pxc animation texture generation
New way to render animated Pxcs greatly avoiding texture updates
Merge branch 'setframe-opt' into pxc-rendering
Use Color32 for pixel chunks
Working on PixelParticles optimization
Fixed possible ArgumentOutOfRangeException in EmitPixelParticles
Removed support for UnitFormData transformations
Fixed possible ArgumentOutOfRangeException in EmitPixelParticles
Use Color32 for pixel chunks
Working on PixelParticles optimization
Big SetFrame optimisation that considers animated vs static pixels
Merge branch 'setframe-opt' into pxc-rendering
Pxc animation texture generation
New way to render animated Pxcs greatly avoiding texture updates
Make sure continuations of tasks that do UI stuff are on the main thread
Working on refactoring network API calls
First pass at using async / await for network API calls
Make sure continuations of tasks that do UI stuff are on the main thread
Working on refactoring network API calls
First pass at using async / await for network API calls
Fixed Switch release build crash
ECS support for bulletTimeScale alias
Fixed Switch leaderboard service not fetching leaderboard stats
Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings
Fixed unity onPartHit callback with ECS bullets
Fixed ECS bullets that don't use a sprite atlas
Added an editor menu item to print bullet system IDs
Whitelist attribute inherits
Fixed random state not being preserved in ECS bullets
Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings
Keyframe animated property default values / constant writing refactor
Fixed writing float / double special values
Fixed some issues with pixelDamagePercent in ECS bullets
Pxc_Animation SetFrame optimisation for clearing pixel colours
Attempt to reduce leaderboard requests on startup
Fixed Switch build error
Increase max cache age for stage scores if not selected
Main menu parallax fixes
WIP Switch LeaderboardService refactor
Updated .gitignore
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Fixed bullet systems referencing resources directly
WIP ECS loop rewrite
ECS loop refactor to support arbitrary loopStart loopEnd
Show ECS bullet keyframe number in gizmo text
Added support for chance / loopModulus in ECS bullets
Hide settings when playing replay from host PC
Mirrored bullet angles support for ECS bullets
Save / play replays from host PC on Switch
Added a way to compare DynamicEaseTo optimisations
Possible fix for legacy replay divergence
CoreLayer optimisation
DynamicEaseTo optimisation for Switch
Pxc_PixelGroup dynamic update staggering
Fully disable bullet systems with no bullets
Fixed some errors in PhysicsSystem OutOfBoundsJob
Bullet system profiling
Pxc_Texture can now use 4 bit exponent encoding
Support comments in perf stats category file
Temp fix for flashing pixels
Profiling for BulletSystemGroup
Fixed despawn animation regression in ECS bullets
Bullet jobs now check if bullets are despawning
Pxc_Texture size optimizations
Some possible Pxc_Texture performance fixes for Switch
Fixed per-update keyframe properties not being applied to later frames
Fixed condition for adding VelocityData / MoveToTargetData
Stop despawning bullets from moving
Working on fully supporting ECS bullet parenting / anchoring
ECS bullet render system profiling
Only clear depth when using dynamic scaled background
Fixed redux bake error
Damage floater colour alpha isn't ignored, scale can be overridden
Rename "DamageNumber" to "DamageFloater"
Fixed damage floater kerning
Fixed exception on non-ECS stages
New damage number sprites
Damage floater systems refactor, fixed ECB system usage
Example of spawning new damage floaters
ShapeInstanced shader tweaks to support non-square atlas grids
WIP new damage floaters
Finished new damage floater system
Fixed PixelGroup depth sorting
Bullet spawning profiling
Fixed ECS bullets lerping between per-update properties
Fixed some ECS bullets missing sprites
Fixed possible exception when disposing a BulletQuery
Button prompt icons in pause menu tweak for Switch
Working on changing how damage numbers are rendered
Fixed ECS rect bullets not using scale when detecting collision
Fixed possible crash in ECS OutOfBoundsJob
Fixed debug ignore collisions with ECS bullets
Fixed case where OnOutOfBounds callbacks would spam
Fixed ECS RemoveWhenOutOfBounds
Added ways to investigate why ECS bullets despawn
Fixed case where ECS bullets wouldn't ignore the right unit