userJames Kingcancel

2,632 Commits over 2,527 Days - 0.04cph!

3 Years Ago
Fixed possible NRE on bullet pattern remove DespawnBullets(BulletData) ECS support DoesBulletExist(BulletData) ECS support DespawnBulletsContaining(string) ECS support GetBulletCount(BulletData) ECS support
3 Years Ago
Fixed enum script funcs that were translated to Enum.TryParse Find: `\?\s*'([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]+)'\s*:\s*'([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]+)'` Replace: `? $1 : $2` Files: `Assets/Bundled/redux,Assets/Bundled/extra` Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings Temporary fix for foreach method call substitution in ECS callbacks Fixed a casualty of a recent find / replace Preparing for AffectBullets !ecs support !redux
3 Years Ago
Fixed !ecs build error !redux
3 Years Ago
Implemented bullet pattern color override for ECS bullets Fixed typo in AnimateSpriteSystem color job Fixed ECS bullet acceleration Fixed velocity based circle skew in ECS bullets Updated Jenkinsfile !redux_all !ecs
3 Years Ago
Fixed not being able to pause / restart when watching co-op replays Updated Facepunch.Unity Fixed AvgFrameTimeLastSecond precision
3 Years Ago
Fixed loud sound when going back to main menu Made leadeboard mode prompt clickable Fixed bindings page layout
3 Years Ago
▊▌▊▊▄ █▌█ ▌▊▍▊█ ▇▌ ██▄▍▍█▉▉▉█ ▉█▊▄▅▅ !▅▄▅▇▄_▅▊▆
3 Years Ago
▇▋▌▊▋ ▆▉▇▅█▊▊▌ ▄▄▊▉█▉▉▊▄▅▊▄ ▉▇▍▅▌▍█▇▋ ▉█▉ ▅▌▊▅▆▆▊ ▍▄█▍▉▌ ▍▍▄▊▉▆▉ !▆▉▅▌▊_▆▆█
3 Years Ago
▉▉▅▆▋▊▊ ▌▋█▉▄▆▇▇▌.▍▉▆▆▅▇▇▋▍▉▍▅▅▄▍▉▍ █▊▄█▊ ▍█▋▆▍█▅▇ ▋▋▉▇▋▄▄█▇▅▆▇ ▇▆▊▉▋ ▋█ ▍▅▌▊▇▇▇▊▌▉▍█▌▊▊▋▅▊.▋▇▍<█>() !▉▅█▋▄_▆▊▋
3 Years Ago
Fixed possible NRE in ArchivedReplay !redux_all
3 Years Ago
Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings Fixed !redux_all bake error
3 Years Ago
ECS bullet callback generation mostly working
3 Years Ago
Fixed method call replacements for ECS bullet codegen Fixed possible NRE in editor if steam isn't running Keyframe property codegen tweaks Generate check for legacy bullets in unit callbacks
3 Years Ago
Add GameManager option to show bullet stats
3 Years Ago
Added button to save replay in pause menu in editor
3 Years Ago
Re-implemented SingleCameraWholeStage
3 Years Ago
Fixed RectLines not being cleaned up on stage reset Fixed campaign score update loop Fixed exception if replay folder doesn't exist Fixed UpdateArchivedReplays ignoring domain Utils.AddRange now works for extending types
3 Years Ago
Fixed possible NRE on leaderboard refresh Fixed leaderboards with cached entries sometimes getting stuck
3 Years Ago
Fixed spotlight on Phobia starting with 0 radius
3 Years Ago
Some more TMP replacements Made Switch leaderboard mode / settings buttons clickable
3 Years Ago
Some more Switch leaderboard fixes
3 Years Ago
Update metadata / attached file of a cached leaderboard entry
3 Years Ago
No longer using persistence slots on Switch Fixed leaderboard entry metadata / replay not being attached on Switch Fixed leaderboard cache being ignored if entry count == 0 ElementScaler now applies OnEnable() Fixed leaderboard entry medal icon while fetching metadata Fixed JsonSerializationException from OptionsData Make sure leaderboard cache invalidates when metadata is attached
3 Years Ago
Fixed trying to submit scores from queue too early on startup Fixed score submission deadlock on switch
3 Years Ago
Score fetching rewrite Best known scores are saved / loaded locally, new scores are fetched when navigating to a stage card if it's been more than an hour since that score was fetched.
3 Years Ago
Fixed missing resources when baking the main menu Re-enabled main menu music on Switch
3 Years Ago
Fixed possible NRE in ProgressionManager.FailSubmit Fixed error when building asset bundles for a non-current platform Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' Fixed switch crash
3 Years Ago
Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings
3 Years Ago
Fixed both players being controlled by keyboard after rebinding Fixed broken campaign menu scaling on PC standalone Fixed campaign medals being hidden incorrectly
3 Years Ago
Some pause menu TMP replacements
3 Years Ago
Updated Jenkinsfile
3 Years Ago
Fixed a possible cause of view snapping when a co-op partner respawns CameraTargetData can now #include etc, got rid of redundant targets
3 Years Ago
Even larger loading screen text on Switch Different subtitle colors for each campaign type, unlock text tweaks Legal text is now TMP
3 Years Ago
Progression tweaks Fixed input page on Switch loading keyboard and mouse controls Added ElementScaler to title / core icon in loading screen
3 Years Ago
Baking now finds all platform overrides of json files
3 Years Ago
Fixed options not saving in the editor Fixed capitalisation of input binding labels Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
3 Years Ago
Fixed case where speech bubbles would be empty Reorganised campaign menu header buttons on Switch Added animated nav arrows to campaign menu
3 Years Ago
Pause menu leaderboard tweaks for Switch Testing leaderboard now has different entry count for friends vs global Fixed speech bubble size on Switch Fixed speech bubbles remembering their size in past lives Fixed non-ECS border warning Replay UI scaling for Switch Enable testing replays in editor while targeting Switch
3 Years Ago
Some settings menu Unity Text -> TMP replacements Fixed possible exception when returning to the main menu All settings menu controls now use TMP Campaign menu now uses TMP everywhere Settings label tweaks Stage description centering
3 Years Ago
Nicer "NONE" text for unbound control slots
3 Years Ago
Working on making sure Settings still looks good on PC LeaderboardView exception fix in Editor Nicer disabled button style Made revert buttons in settings menu consistent, some more scaling
3 Years Ago
Settings menu vertical centering, parent player join UI to level select Fixed main menu navigation on Switch Fixed settings element scaling being broken when first opened HUD scaling for Switch Game over / victory screen scaling Fixed progress bar / timer being visible during game over / victory Game over scale tweaks Pause menu scaling tweaks Fixed being able to hide the pause menu while still paused HintDisplay now respects pivot More pause menu tweaks
3 Years Ago
Fixed co-op player join prompt on switch Campaign leaderboard style tweaks Main menu for Switch is pretty much done Some settings page Switch work
3 Years Ago
ElementScaler animation New campaign menu animation Added dummy leaderboards for switch testing on PC Stop weird stage card scaling on switch Main menu layout changes
3 Years Ago
Started work on rescaling the campaign menu for switch Only show the selected campaign on switch
3 Years Ago
Campaign menu: populate in a coroutine to avoid hang Fadeable can now have a delay StageLoading fade tweaks Fixed how campaign items are selected while loading in
3 Years Ago
Simplified ElementScaler
3 Years Ago
Text scaling for handheld / docked mode Fixed campaign menu being broken on switch
3 Years Ago
Medals update lazily, hide medals / description in unselected campaigns Don't fetch all highscores when the game starts
3 Years Ago
Nicer way to assign nexRankingCategoryIds Assigning a unique nexRankingId for each stage / campaign