userJames Kingcancel

328 Commits over 1,155 Days - 0.01cph!

3 Months Ago
Keep track of referenced component types in ActionGraphs
3 Months Ago
Fixed a bunch of cases where creating custom nodes would fail
3 Months Ago
Update Facepunch.ActionGraph Mark constant nodes as obsolete Node input value widgets now respect attributes like [Range] Some node reorganisation When ambiguous, default to types like string, float, Vector3 Nicer display for constant color inputs Filter out obsolete nodes from node list TypeSerializedObject: ignore static fields / properties Optional default group for ControlSheet.AddObject Action Graph property panel cleanup
3 Months Ago
Add nodes for playing / manipulating sounds
3 Months Ago
Auto-open the node creation menu if no other menu options exist Rebuild input / output node when editing parameter names
3 Months Ago
Update Facepunch.ActionGraphs Fixed node creation menu path list when filtering
3 Months Ago
Pulse labelled links too
3 Months Ago
ActionGraph update, add more geometry-based nodes Use Either<> type for object inputs EitherControlWidget Added a bunch of node types Some ActionGraph value editing fixes Update Facepunch.ActionGraphs
3 Months Ago
Basic support for custom C# nodes
3 Months Ago
Facepunch.ActionGraph API changes Fixed race condition in Tools/CodeGen Updated Facepunch.ActionGraphs Don't list GameObjectActionComponent in action graph menus
3 Months Ago
Make current FieldInfo avaiable to instance upgraders Field.HasAttribute<T>() extension method that checks for property SuppressNullKeyWarningAttribute Rebuild ComponentListWidget rather than ComponentSheet on hotload Fixes NullReferenceException when a component type is renamed / removed
3 Months Ago
Can expand any output with right-click Expose ValueTuple, IList.Count, Array.Length to TypeLibrary DisplayInfo: Get rid of backquote in generic names Updated Facepunch.ActionGraph Fixed expanded output hiding logic
3 Months Ago
ActionGraph: Automatically mark record properties as expanded
3 Months Ago
Update Facepunch.ActionGraphs
3 Months Ago
ActionGraph: Double-click on an input to start editing it
3 Months Ago
Updated Facepunch.ActionGraph
3 Months Ago
ActionGraph: Output plug labelling
3 Months Ago
Expose Editor.Application.FocusWidget Update Facepunch.ActionGraph
3 Months Ago
Simplify ActionPlug<T> Split up ActionNode.cs Implement EnumControlWidget.IsControlActive ControlSheet: return created widgets ActionGraph: Fix some undo edge cases
3 Months Ago
ActionGraph: Undo / redo ActionGraph: Undo / redo property changes
3 Months Ago
ActionGraph: Fixed not being able to set properties
3 Months Ago
Updated Facepunch.ActionGraph
3 Months Ago
ActionGraph array linking fixes
4 Months Ago
ActionGraph: Fixed nodes calling methods returning Task<T>
4 Months Ago
Fixed creating ActionGraphs from the asset browser
4 Months Ago
Fixed implementation of RandomNodes.Int
4 Months Ago
Fixed RandomNodes.Int return type
4 Months Ago
Fixed dropping connection only a PlugIn with a const value / variable Fixed phantom connections when using plug context menu
4 Months Ago
Fix typo in GetGameObjectNodeDefinition name Fixed bugs with direct variable inputs
4 Months Ago
WIP GetGameComponentNodeDefinition Fix filtering available nodes by context type Implement GetGameComponentNodeDefinition.BuildExpression
4 Months Ago
Output member expansion
4 Months Ago
ActionGraph: directly use variables for inputs, reachability fixes
4 Months Ago
Move MemberInfo.ToSimpleString() extension to Sandbox.System Add Stirng.HtmlEncode() / UrlEncode() extension methods ActionGraph: type name formatting fixes
4 Months Ago
ActionGraph: Fixed not being able to delete duplicate input / output nodes
4 Months Ago
Expose GraphicsItem.BoundingRect Allows graphics items to draw outside of their defined size ActionGraph: Fix input const value repainting
4 Months Ago
ActionGraph: Nodes for creating common collection types Array, List, HashSet, Dictionary
4 Months Ago
ActionGraph: Expose GameObject.Destroy(), Clear()
4 Months Ago
Use different prefixes for ShaderGraph vs ActionGraph clipboard text Defer loading ActionGraph resources until needed Fix error message when ActionGraph resource not found Fix case where wrong property is deserialized to in Json.DeserializeToObject E.g., the FirstOrDefault could match a property that was JsonIgnored, and miss a property with the same name (with [JsonPropertyName]) that isn't ignored.
4 Months Ago
ActionGraph context pass-through for nested graphs
4 Months Ago
Move ActionGraphView to its own file Fix ActionGraph properties panel resizing itself
4 Months Ago
Better default type for operator properties Fixed editing integer constants in ActionGraph
4 Months Ago
Fixed error CS8632
4 Months Ago
ActionGraphs capture their containing component Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#4370
4 Months Ago
Add a bunch of helper ActionGraph components
4 Months Ago
Don't list input signals in properties panel Don't show default value for array args Input.ActionNames, Input.GetGroupName( action ) InputActionControlWidget for ActionGraph
4 Months Ago
Fixed TypeDescription.IsStatic Fixed NotNullableValueTypeConstraint check HasImplementation attribute as a hint for ActionGraph type parameters
4 Months Ago
Nicer default value handling in node editor UI
4 Months Ago
Use one global NodeLibrary, created by GameMenu context (#1426)
4 Months Ago
Add IComponentLister.GetAll<T>() ActionGraph: don't list methods with unsupported parameter delegate types sbox-issues#4275
5 Months Ago
Hacky way to let you do constant values for operator inputs