userJames Kingcancel

328 Commits over 1,155 Days - 0.01cph!

1 Year Ago
Fixed case where TryLoadGameResource<T> throws instead of returns false
1 Year Ago
Fixed .csproj for tool packages not referencing EditorBase
1 Year Ago
Support reading / writing Rays as client input
1 Year Ago
Escape HTML in console messages, only show first line (#819) * Escape HTML in console messages Inspecting stuff still works fine * Only show the first line of console messages Inspecting them will show the rest
1 Year Ago
Demote SwappedOutAssemblyReference error to warning Group hotload result entries with the same message to avoid console spam Fixed NRE in HotloadResult.ToString() Log an exception if one type takes over 80% of total hotload, and >500ms
1 Year Ago
Added failing hotload test for processing a cleared list Hotload processes all the elements of the inner array, when they could all be skipped Added ListUpgrader Helps with cases like #818
1 Year Ago
Don't use [CanEdit(SomeType, typeName)] for all SomeType properties Unless typeName is just "sometype"
1 Year Ago
Use in-place upgrades where possible in static fields Fixes #790 Some extra safety in DictionaryUpgrader For handling in-place upgrades if key hashes change
1 Year Ago
Support for SceneCamera.Ortho
1 Year Ago
Added way to ignore assemblies by name in hotloads Ignore Sandbox.Tools during client / server / menu hotloads Fixes #765
1 Year Ago
Added failing test for hotloading constructed generic MethodInfos Fixed hotloading generic MethodInfos Added extra test for MethodInfos with generic declaring types Added more delegate hotloading tests, one failing Fixed hotload case with lambdas in generic declaring type Fixes #759
1 Year Ago
Stop watching assemblies swapped with null More compiler name consistency fixes Skip assemblies that depend on a swapped assembly Warn when two versions of the same named assembly are watched Log all hotload messages if hotload_log >= 2 Include build number in runtime compiled assemblies To help with debugging Made Hotload.WatchedAssemblies / Hotload.WatchedInstances private Clear invalidated cached fields in DefaultUpgrader on hotload start Hotload logging tweaks, package assembly names include version Simplify auto-watching logic when replacing assemblies Fixed failing hotload test, better swapped asm reference check Unwatch assemblies swapped with null Added hotload tests for auto-watching assemblies
1 Year Ago
Check substitute types don't inherit from a swapped-out type If type substitution fails in DefaultUpgrader, just substitute null Fixed possible NRE in ReflectionUpgrader.GetMatchingMember Fixed recompiling addons that reference a changed addon
1 Year Ago
Use namespace alias operator in hotload tests
1 Year Ago
Failing test involving resolving method with namespaceless parameter Fixed resolving methods with namespaceless parameter types
1 Year Ago
Fixed VarClass sometimes getting stuck rebuilding every frame NeedsRebuild was getting set to true during the rebuild, so it'd keep doing it every tick
1 Year Ago
Failing async method test Better support for parsing generated names with generic parameter count Hotload generated name refactor, fixing async state machine types
1 Year Ago
Failing test for lambdas declared in non-swapped generic methods But with swapped type parameters Fixed test in 8a2bb255285d1e47c1314b70cd47f5ef92a2b21d Log error when encountering unhandled generated types
1 Year Ago
Implemented a simple assembly resolver for Tools Allows hotload to make more valid substitutions Cleanup Failing hotload tests for lambdas in static constructors Fixed finding scope method ordinals of static constructors Stop expecting every method to have a scope ordinal Fixed IsMatchingType(typeRef, type) with nested types Fixed ResolveMethod() with a static constructor ref Fix upgrading lambda display class instances that are found in the wild GetNewType consistency Now returns null to mean a substitution couldn't be found Added failing generic delegate test Organised and documented delegate hotloading tests Fixed AreEqualTypes when exactly one param is null AreEquivalentTypes(old, new) refactor Fixed finding substitutions for generic parameters
1 Year Ago
Always use addon map list for map leaderboards in menu
1 Year Ago
Add scrolling to leaderboard list in menu
1 Year Ago
Limit main menu leaderboard list to 5 items for now
1 Year Ago
Show all leaderboards in menu again Basic support for {map} leaderboard name substitution Only supported for MapSelect.Official
1 Year Ago
Added hotload_log engine convar
1 Year Ago
Whitelist TextWriter and StringWriter StringWriter only writes to memory. I'm leaving StreamWriter forbidden for now.
1 Year Ago
Allow sending compiled shaders to clients
1 Year Ago
Added test for adding properties with default values Support for log value histograms
1 Year Ago
Add Hotload.AssemblyResolver, warn if not assigned when needed Set HotloadManager.AssemblyResolver for client / menu / server
1 Year Ago
Fixed some histograms being offset horizontally Only show histogram markers that are in range
1 Year Ago
Fall back to fetching top scores if no scores around user
1 Year Ago
Added Leaderboard.GetHistogram() Basic leaderboard histogram drawing Show markers on friend scores in histogram
1 Year Ago
Check type inits before loading an assembly Facepunch/sbox-issues#2313
1 Year Ago
In-game leaderboard UI tweaks with title / player count
1 Year Ago
New Leaderboards API wraps Steam Leaderboards
1 Year Ago
Fixed ambiguous property match in HasSkipHotloadAttribute Fixed PropertySheet AmbiguousMatchException Would happen if a subclass redeclared a property with "new"
1 Year Ago
Added TrustedBinaryStream * Required by AssemblyRegistation * Only created by AccessControl Rename `AssemblyRegistation` to `AssemblyRegistration` Move TrustedBinaryStream to Sandbox.Access, so it's hidden from users
1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
Allow loose .txt and .csv files in published addons
1 Year Ago
Added TypeDescription.GetAttributes<T>()
1 Year Ago
Fixed -tools not starting if `ServerAddons.TryAdd()` returns null
1 Year Ago
Added Color[32].FromRgb[a] Color[32] property consistency cleanup Added some Color[32] tests
1 Year Ago
Move hotload unsupported warnings to Sandbox.Generator
1 Year Ago
Added warning for static fields in generic types
1 Year Ago
Fixed some addon DLLs not getting watched Introduced by bb5359a20
1 Year Ago
Added failing hotload static primitive field test Repros Facepunch/sbox-issues#1918 Fixed hotloading static fields of auto-skipped types Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#1918
1 Year Ago
Fixed hotloading concurrent containers EntityManager.OnHotloaded safety Handle entities being added / removed during the event.
1 Year Ago
Fixed possible exception in ToTitleCase()
1 Year Ago
ToTitleCase(string) tests Use memoization for short strings in ToTitleCase More ToTitleCase tests
1 Year Ago
More persistent caching between hotloads HotloadManager name consistency
1 Year Ago
Added failing hotload test for static initonly HashSets Added ConcurrentQueueUpgrader Fixed in-place hotload of a HashSet<T> Allow individual types to be added to hotload SkipUpgrader Skip hotload for types in System.Net.Http and System.Text.RegularExpressions Fixed some false negatives when checking if a type is blittable Added ConcurrentDictionaryUpgrader, fixed ConcurrentQueueUpgrader Only start addon worker threads when first needed Make sure hotload verbose log works with and without -tools Cache which static fields need to be watched in hotload Some extra timing info for hotload Added InstanceUpgrader.GetUpgraderOrDefault<T>() DefaultUpgrader field caching, now uses auto-skip