10 Commits over 31 Days - 0.01cph!
Add Position and Rotation offset to ViewmodelCameraAnimation component, works around any strange offsets coming out of maya
Set up appropriate offset on minigun and disabled the FadeInTime
Add new HideInPlayerPreview toggle on Wearable, enabled on minigun backpack
Add ViewmodelCameraAnimation component to the minigun viewmodel
Add a FadeInTime to property to that component that fades in the effect over a given time, softens the impact of the starting offset in the source animation clip
Fix minigun backpack visual not being removed if player drops minigun item
Don't show the minigun backpack model if the player has anything equipped in the backpack slot
Add viewmodel camera animation component to minigun viewmodel
Zeroed out the camera transform so it's at 0,0,0 pos/rot
Added WearableWhileEquipped property to HeldEntity, allows us to add a piece of clothing onto the character whenever the player deploys that entity
Merge from minigun_2024/viewmodel_camera_anim (support for modifying camera pos/rot via a dedicated animated bone on the viewmodel)