27 Commits over 305 Days - 0.00cph!
Fixed misconfigured roll bones on player model
Adjusted aim spine v2 settings on lr300
Adjusted spine look at weights on player model for less leaning, rely more on the head for movement
Simplify TwistCorrectionComponent
Ported the two bone IK component into our framework
Updated the twist scene with a more representative example of bone shearing
Made an example scene for the twist component
Fixed the TwistCorrectionComponent resetting it's initial rotation offset value every time the component is updated, preventing it from working at all
Merge from parent (stomp player_model)
Merge from PlayerRigUpdate
Merge from PlayerRigUpdate
Merge from PlayerRigUpdate
Apply final rotation offset to bow
Fixed bow hold, was missing a slot on the animator override and I forgot to disable the legacy spine IK system
WIP setup for 3qrs bow hold, still not quite working
Added a left hand look at rig, exposed the option on held entities to use a left/right/none look at mode
Merge from PlayerRigUpdate
Fixed a few alt look issues
First pass on alt look support, added a new alt look at option to the single bone aim constraint with an alt look weight so we can blend nicely between alt looking and regular looking
Update Facepunch.BoneJobs, better runtime editing of values
Add some easing to the spine look at weight when looking up or down, leave hand weight untouched though
Add a head look at constraint
Added a hand look at constraint and adjusted the spine look weights down to match
Applied a slight look at bump when in ADS to offset the height in held weapon (applied universally right now, might need to modify per weapon)
Stripped out rig controller into it's own prefab for easier merges
Added per spine bone look at weights
Add animation rigging package (third times the charm)
Add new Facepunch.BoneJobs plugin
BoneJobs is a stripped down, simplified way of using Animation Rigging without having to use the cumbersome RigController (and espensive) rig handling system that the package depends on
Currently only has a single component, the AimSpineComponent
Instead of relying on a selection of loose rig controllers, this component does exactly what we need in a single place - adjust all of the spine bones to look at a given target with a variable rotation offset so we can account for 3/4 stance poses on a per weapon basis
The advantage of still using the underlying tools in the Animation Rigging package is that the core math is really fast and runs in jobs so we can in theory move all of our IK and bone manipulation handling to threads
It also has quite a bit of functionality we want and all of the math already done (quaternions are confusing), so next steps will be porting over some more components that we need