userJarryd Campicancel

9 Commits over 29 Days - 0.01cph!

8 Months Ago
Add BypassClothingMountBlocks option to BaseMountable Enable on parachute, allowing the chicken costume to be worn while parachuting (despite chickens not being known for their aerobatic skills)
8 Months Ago
Pass the player ducked state to the WearableFadeToggles
8 Months Ago
Fixed female wearable chicken version having a slightly different randomisation setup, leading to a mismatch with the world model
8 Months Ago
Added a WearableFadeToggle component that is added dynamically to leg renderers if the LegFade toggle is enabled on a Wearable Currently awaiting a material integration, so it can be toggled via the Fade toggle on the PlayerModel, eventually we'll toggle it if the player is crouching
8 Months Ago
Fixed debug logs when equipping chicken costume
9 Months Ago
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9 Months Ago
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9 Months Ago
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9 Months Ago
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