10 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Remove the IK targets from the planner prefab on the server
Move NPCWalkAnimation to the persistent work queue
Moved laser beams to the new persistent work queue
Removed a redundant bit of extra work for non weapon mounted laser beams
Fixed voice props laser lights not loading their speed setting properly if they were on while the server was loaded
Hot air balloons will now disable global broadcast if they are grounded, the engine is off and they are deflated
WIP on reducing the number of layout components (156->93) as layouts can take anywhere from 0.3 to 0.8ms a frame
Removed layouts on item blueprint buttons (and improved sizing for non-english languages on New text)
Disabled contents of AI designer panel when not in use
Disabled layouts on conversation screen
Disabled contents of NetGraph when not in use
Don't update FlameJet LineRenderers if it's not active
Add new PersistentObjectWorkQueue, similar to ObjectWorkQueue<T> but designed to iterate over a non-changing list of objects
Implemented new queue on LightgroupAtTime (consistently taking 0.6ms a frame, new limit is 0.1ms)
Fixed ObjectWorkQueues never actually starting the stopwatch (this will be causing performance impacts on clients and servers)
SegmentMaskPositioning no longer allocates 432 bytes every frame and is faster (this component is active whenever the inventory is open)
Remove a duplicate mounted check in BasePlayer.ClientUpdate
Checking an animator bool and not assigning if necessary is slightly faster than setting it every frame, so do that in PlayerModel.UpdateParameters
Don't get voice processor volume on NPC's