5 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Fixed electrical cables sometimes not appearing when placed at the maximum length of the cable
Correctly calculate the length of the resulting cable when hovering over the socket handle (was calculating the length of the cable to the mouse point, even if the player was aiming at the socket handle)
When hovering over a socket handle the line end position now snaps to that handle position rather than raycasting to the surface behind it (as this was leading to inconsistent distance calculations on the HUD)
Revert test generator to 100 electricity output
Can left click on an occupied io slot to "solo" that connection and only show the animated guide lines on that wire
Once solo'd you can move around freely, left click to cancel the effect and highlight all connections as normal
Only works while in TC auth
Added two more electrical outputs to the debug generator and increased power output from 100 to 600
Can press RMB while placing an electrical cable to remove the last placed point, hold RMB for a second to clear the whole line