18 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Improved leniency when pinging dropped weapons
Fixed pings aimed at points of interest (nodes/chests/etc) also spawning a hostile ping
Ping sfx now have no falloff but are still 3d, so they sound like they are coming from the left or right but won't be inaudible if they are a long way away
Adjusted volume of sfx to better fit new falloff
Fixed compass highlights not working
Merge fixes
Increase time a ping is considered "new" to 2s
Can now delete placed pings regardless of what entity is held
Added an analytic event for pinging
Increased ping widget size slightly
Enabled crosshair on binoculars
Fixed pings getting placed slightly below the crosshair point
Don't allow multiple pings of the same type to be too close
Added sfx slots for each ping type to the ping widget (Assets/Content/UI/GameUI.Hud.PingWidget)
Added a game tip to explain how to ping if the player is currently able to ping
Only show the compass pulse if a ping is less than 1s old
Add an indicator to the side of the compass when a team member places a ping outside of your current view
Can now ping while holding the binoculars, no need to zoom in
Pings now fade out when they run out of time