userJarryd Campicancel

199 Commits over 607 Days - 0.01cph!

1 Year Ago
Merge from main
2 Years Ago
Merge from spraycan/freehand_depth
2 Years Ago
Fixed mips of spray icons Disabled sprays on trees (might revisit later)
2 Years Ago
Align protobuf
2 Years Ago
Adjust surface spray offset based on collider layer (Construction layer colliders are quite close so sprays can be a tighter fit, other layers are less accurate so move the spray back slightly)
2 Years Ago
Editor NRE fix
2 Years Ago
Don't allow sprays on collectable entities
2 Years Ago
Run line drawing updates in a queue
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Mesh generation performance improvements
2 Years Ago
Add a LOD disable to all sprays
2 Years Ago
Added two new server convars: global.SprayNoAuthDuration and global.SprayInAuthDuration Spray timeout will be set based on whether the player has TC auth using the new convars
2 Years Ago
Apply auto panel closer component, it's a better fix than the one from earlier today
2 Years Ago
Merge from main
2 Years Ago
Fix client compile
2 Years Ago
Fixed incorrect skin ID being applied when switching from a redirect skin to a non-redirect skin that isn't the default skin
2 Years Ago
Fixed ground watch regression preventing sprays from being cleaned up when the entity they were attached to was destroyed Enabled sprays on trees (tree destruction now triggers OnPhysicsNeighbourChanged callback to nearby entities, will need to monitor for unintended side effects/performance implications)
2 Years Ago
Fixed being able to spray on the MLRS Fixed incorrect VM spray colour when spraying at something that's invalid
2 Years Ago
Don't allow sprays on colliders with ColliderInfo that aren't marked as opaque (fixes being able to spray on a variety of invisible colliders at monuments)
2 Years Ago
Close reskin dialog if player is wounded/dies
2 Years Ago
Add a plane depth check to prevent sprays on some problematic monument colliders
2 Years Ago
Close reskin dialog if the entity being reskinned is too far away or destroyed Can no longer open the reskin menu if mounted
2 Years Ago
Fixed some cases where valid sprays would get incorrectly rejected on the server
2 Years Ago
Don't allow sprays on moving doors (water treatment)
2 Years Ago
Spray direction is no longer affected by alt looking
2 Years Ago
Fixed free hand sprays getting incorrectly rejected on the server
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Compile fix
2 Years Ago
More line verification Improved VM responsiveness Fixed sprays getting connected incorrectly if the player stopped and started too quickly in high latency
2 Years Ago
Fix spray can not working if the spray can is holstered mid-spray Fix some visual issues when mid-spray with high latency
2 Years Ago
Possible fix for error when closing skin picker after using search
2 Years Ago
If two points in a line are too far away the line will now end, fixes some invalid sprays in monuments
2 Years Ago
Spray decal now uses wood for crafting
2 Years Ago
Change spray layer to prevent walking/projectile collision but still allow using water to clear sprays
2 Years Ago
Fixed locks not persisting correctly when reskinning a door
2 Years Ago
Fixed being able to open reskin menu for items that aren't skinnable
2 Years Ago
Fix redirect skins being set to the wrong skin id when reskinned (fixes factory door issue)
2 Years Ago
Temporarily disable material replacement assert, replace with warning Fixed error when inserting an invalid item into the spraycan
2 Years Ago
CreateSpray error fix Spraycan is no longer default craftable
2 Years Ago
Can no longer reskin items without TC auth
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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