userJarryd Campicancel

111 Commits over 92 Days - 0.05cph!

1 Year Ago
Fixed LateCamera trying (and failing) to report frame times while not in play mode
1 Year Ago
Update HLOD distances on large oil rig
1 Year Ago
Fixed a case where the HLOD mesh would fail to render
1 Year Ago
Added a Skip all HLOD toggle on SceneToPrefab, will preserve the last HLOD result
1 Year Ago
S2P gas station Fixed both harbor monuments switching to HLOD mesh too close
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Disable HLOD mesh in Awake, prevents HLOD meshes appearing briefly when connecting to a game
1 Year Ago
Trainyard HLOD
1 Year Ago
Merge from main (stomp trainyard changes locally)
1 Year Ago
MeshCull now works with occlusion culling Ensure components are removed from the occlusion culling system when disabled by HLOD
1 Year Ago
Improved alpha cutoff of lighthouse hlod
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Fixed particle systems getting turned on incorrectly due to overload changes
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Removed some debug stuff
1 Year Ago
Fix RendererLOD switching to rendering shadows only if it's disabled by a HLOD component while still in rendering range
1 Year Ago
Fixed non-lodded pipe in supermarket Fixed non-lodded broken tiles in gas station
1 Year Ago
HLOD meshes now get culled as part of the occlusion culling system
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Fixed some missing structures in water treatment plant
1 Year Ago
Fixed missing legs on small oil
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Code review: properly fix SetVisible not working on MeshCull components. Added a force optional paramter to SetVisible. MeshCull components were remembering their state when they were disabled, when entering the HLOD bounds LODComponents are told to become visible and then adjust based on LOD however MeshCull components would ignore this as their saved state wouldn't have changed. Once in this state the MeshCUll component would think it was disabled, but it's mesh was actually visible. This likely wouldn't have been problematic if the player came into range via a CullingVolume as the player would be closer to the renderer as opposed to hundreds of metres away in the case of a HLOD component, however I've applied the same fix in that case.
1 Year Ago
Code review: use enabled state instead of ToggleEnabled method
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Disable static colliders on HLOD affected meshes (very experimental, probably going to cause issues)
1 Year Ago
Update swamp_c, harbor_1 and launch_site after merge
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Clear queues when enabling/disabling hlod Add graphics.PrintLodQueues for debugging
1 Year Ago
More mesh toggle fixes
1 Year Ago
Adjusted some mesh trim settings, shave 2-10k tris from some HLODs
1 Year Ago
Fixed MeshCull objects getting incorrectly enabled if graphics.hlod is false
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Disable per object motion vectors on hlod meshes
1 Year Ago
Subtract 74796, made no difference
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Fully disable HLOD system temporarily, want to test performance running as close to main as possible
1 Year Ago
Redo satellite dish to fix some missing renderers
1 Year Ago
Don't register/unregister hidden LOD components from culling (brings HLOD system in line with CullingVolume)
1 Year Ago
Remove the ControlledBy field on LODComponent, doesn't seem to be needed anymore
1 Year Ago
Drop HLOD texture sizes to 512
1 Year Ago
HLOD water treatment plant after merge
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Reduce all HLOD textures to 1024
1 Year Ago
Power substation HLODs
1 Year Ago
Fixed skip generation HLOD option not working
1 Year Ago
Increase lighthouse LOD swap distance Fixed missing geometry on dome HLOD
1 Year Ago
Update harbor_1 to include the hanging container in the HLOD Switching the graphics.hlod convar now immediately updates all LODs, bypassing the budgeted update (this was taking up to 30s to change the lods of every object in the world in proc gen, making comparisons difficult)
1 Year Ago
Run bandit town HLOD after merge