userJarryd Campicancel

20 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

1 Year Ago
Fix rotation while in orbit mode
1 Year Ago
Potential solution for camlerp while parented, movement feels slightly different but it might be good enough
1 Year Ago
Saved camera states now store the parent entity and bone name, will attempt to restore the parent and local space position/rotation if the entity can be found Fixes "Return to start position" option when recording a shot while parented not working
1 Year Ago
More work on shot compatibility, fixing stuttering and incorrect offsets when exiting shots
1 Year Ago
Fix demos UI public variables inside CLIENT blocks
1 Year Ago
Fixed not being able to set camBone by name
1 Year Ago
Potentially fixed camera rotation input while parented to a nested transform
1 Year Ago
Fixed camera position/rotation changing when cycling through bones
1 Year Ago
Show bone name on demo UI when parented to a bone (won't show if parented to the root of an entity)
1 Year Ago
Test demos, on right branch this time
1 Year Ago
Remove clamp on how far the dolly camera can move backwards
1 Year Ago
Set proper orbit distance when parenting to an entity
1 Year Ago
Move debug camera Update loop into LateUpdate, fixes jittering when parented to animators (might cause other issues, will need to monitor)
1 Year Ago
Fixed ent_find_radius not working from debug camera position
1 Year Ago
Fix debug cam orbit mode
1 Year Ago
Fixed camlerp position not working
1 Year Ago
Fixed camera position/rotation changing when changing parent (either via keybind or convar)
1 Year Ago
Fixed offsets not recalculating when entering/exiting parented space (still not 100% right)
1 Year Ago
Fix Client.camlerp not working in parented camera mode (lerp is applied in local space) Added debugging.debugcamera_orbitwhileparented, true is legacy behaviour, false is new default and uses same controls as unparented mode
1 Year Ago
Parenting to an entity now properly converts the debug camera's position and rotation calculation to be in local space (previously rotation was in local space but position was world space) Removed debugcamera_bonerotation, this functionality is now active whenever the camera is parented to something Now emulates a physically attached camera