22 Commits over 62 Days - 0.01cph!
Frontier large planter is now a skin of the regular large planter
Applied correct prevent building settings to railroad planter
Spray can now allows planters to preserve children when reskinning, fixes plants getting destroyed when reskinning
Manifest to fix regular triangle planter socket name issues
Skinnable can now auto fill the name and Item name if the entity provided is a deployable
Set up the skinnable for the triangle planter
Adjusted snap position on triangle floor for planter, fixes the planter sticking through the floor on several skins/grades
Adjusted prevent building volume on trianlge planter to fix some upgrades/placements not being possible around the planter
Fixed triangle planter collider marked as convex, resulted in a square collider for placement
Possibly fixed some issues when planting all 4 slots in the triangle planeter
Changed the minimum distance between plants when in a planter from 0.5 -> 0.2, had to be applied to every plant
Revert small planter to version from
Fix triangle planter soil mesh not getting wet material effect
Fixed triangle planter rotation snapping on foundations, floors and grills
Update description
Update socket names
Triangle grill attract point
Added snap sockets for the triangle planters to the triangle foundation and triangle floor piece