userJarryd Campicancel

12 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

2 Months Ago
Mute timeline audio tracks when the timeline plays on the server (but don't do this in editor as it will mute all sfx)
2 Months Ago
Fix death marker and pings sometimes appearing after respawning post tutorial
2 Months Ago
Client compile fix
2 Months Ago
Hide paddle viewmodel during cinematic
2 Months Ago
Fixed kayak anchoring not working
2 Months Ago
Fixed exceptions from WaterDepthMasks
2 Months Ago
Update timeline with new fade to black signal
2 Months Ago
Anchor the kayak on the x and z axis so it doesn't float away while the cinematic is running
2 Months Ago
Add cinematic option to hide first person player legs
2 Months Ago
Fix cinemachine component not getting added and removed during cinematic
3 Months Ago
Add a cinemachine virtual camera to the end tutorial cinematic
3 Months Ago
Merge from tutorial_island