36 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Update nearby vines when a tree respawns
Revert chair.static mount pose
Fix vines double spawning when loading
Vine swinging trees no longer immortal
Spawns an immortal stump entity when killed, stump will respawn the tree after 10s (wip obviously)
Will not spawn if a player is in proximity
Attacking a vine will standing near one of it's destinations will make the vine swing to that destination if it is not at that destination
Added a temp interaction icon
Don't show the world vine to the person riding that vine in first person
Fixed vine repositioning incorrectly when swing ends, refactor vine visual out into it's own separate class/hierarchy and move into a budgeted update method
Fixed vine update performance at scale
Make vine swinging trees immortal
Still broken looking but slightly less broken looking vine visual
More init refactoring, should support proc gen placement now (in theory)
More save+load work
Fixed swings starting at wrong rotation briefly
Fixed arc calculation getting inverted after loading a save
Vine mountables now save and load
Hook up 3p anims
Move animation files into vine swinging folder
Change chair.static to use vine swinging anim for easier testing, animations appear broken
Adjust angle limits
Initial handling for trees being destroyed - nearby vines are notified and update their detination lists, will self destruct if no destinations are available
If a vine is parked away from it's home tree and that tree is destroyed the vine will swing back to to it's home tree
Better vine visual rotation handling, use burst cloth for now
Added the ability to throw a vine - sends the vine to the target destination without mounting it
Vine will now continue to it's destination if the player dismounts it mid swing
Rough process for preventing multiple vines from overlapping when parked
Remove VineSpawnPoint tag, parent tree now stores a list of vine spawn points
Adjust the ladder trigger setup on the tree
More refactoring, entirely remove the Vine class
Vine mountable now tracks all state once spawned, isn't destroyed on player dismount
Provides much simpler client side vine visual management
Draw debug arrows for vines
Move responsibility for storing destinations to the Vine, not the LaunchPoint
Vine now tracks if it is at it's start location or a destination, when at a destination can only swing back to origin
Vines now find destinations at server start (like ziplines)
Test scene, greybox gameplay prefab setup