238 Commits over 642 Days - 0.02cph!
added door + doorframes dev models
updated asset_zoo
update asset_zoo with dev models
correcting file directory for chipboard_a
added leaves_scatter_c skin + snow blend for leaves tileable mat
scale adam back to original mats
cleaned up chipboard_a, added dirty blend
added decal_footprints_a
updated brick_single_a2 blend
added decal_leak_d overlay
added decal_scratches_a + b
added wall_brick_b2_trim_noalpha
added wall_brick_b2 trim + single mats
lighter brick material added (wall_brick_b2)
added decal_brick_damage_a + b
switch decal_wall_damage a + b to static_overlay
also updated damage_a color
decal_stain_c + d color adjustments
added decal_dirt_a
switched decal_stain assets to static_overlay
added decal_stain_a + b + c
also adjusted decal_wall_damage_a + b
added decal_wall_damage_a + decal_leak_c
kitchen utensils meta
decal_leak b + c set
added kitchen_utensils_b set
Fixed various model issues
+ meta files from asset.party uploads
tea_towel material variants
added tea_towel_a + mat variants
misc kitchen trim props + bed_frame_02 updates
bed_frame_02 added and filing_cabinet_03 tweaked
added filing cabinet 03 + metal_trim_painted_blend_02
also tweaked plywood_trim_01_dirty colors
added more trimsheet props
drying rack
water drum
cable reel update
step ladders
plywood_trim_01_dirty blend + cable_reel asset
trimsheet .meta file updates