
50 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

9 Years Ago
Tweaked cabinet brightness in `SingleGameTest`.
9 Years Ago
Fixed Unity sneakily renaming generated .pdb files causing them to be packaged in deployments.
9 Years Ago
Basic game upload dialog functionality implemented.
9 Years Ago
DevKit now remembers if you have an existing Web API session when you upload a game.
9 Years Ago
Login dialog now reacts intuitively to a failed attempt, implemented pagination to remote game selection when uploading.
9 Years Ago
Added `String.Pluralize()` and `TimeSpan.ToApproxString()` extension methods.
9 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] fixed hitboxes
9 Years Ago
Started working on a game upload dialog to select which game you wish to update.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Started working on post-race stuff.
9 Years Ago
Increased screen base brightness range.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Finished car collision resolution.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Basic car collision detection and response, although response needs improvement.
9 Years Ago
Added `RectF.GetCorners()`.
9 Years Ago
Finished implementing `Mathf.LinesIntersect()`.
9 Years Ago
Fixed games not updating correctly.
9 Years Ago
Fixed necessity for `base.OnUpdate()` to be invoked in classes extending `GameBase`, whereas `base.OnRender()` is purely optional.
9 Years Ago
Some tweaks after moving to b20.
9 Years Ago
Started writing some helper methods for line-line intersections.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Started work on car collisions.
9 Years Ago
`Graphics.Rotation` and `Graphics.Scale` now act globally.
9 Years Ago
Finished implementing basic scaling and rotation, although acts locally for now.
9 Years Ago
Started implementing global graphics scaling and rotation.
9 Years Ago
Games are now automatically packaged before uploading, and you no longer need to press the upload button a second time after logging in.
9 Years Ago
Fixed game uploading to reflect changes to the web API.
9 Years Ago
[current_mood] stopped removing sprite in title stage
9 Years Ago
[current_mood] added
9 Years Ago
Updated `.gitignore`.
9 Years Ago
Removed unnecessary copy of `RestSharp.dll`.
9 Years Ago
Fixed `premake5.lua` script so that `RestSharp.dll` is copied from `Resources` to `Binaries` during builds.
9 Years Ago
Removed unused camera effects.
9 Years Ago
Upload button is now disabled for pre-packaged games, can use tab to switch between controls when the login dialog is active.
9 Years Ago
Added new upload button icon, made sure all textures had the correct import settings.
9 Years Ago
Added Login dialog and game uploading
9 Years Ago
[racer] Made tracks more complex again, fixed occasional unintentional hairpin turns.
9 Years Ago
[racer] AI tweaks and made tracks more smooth.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Fixed rubber banding actually slowing down your opponents.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Camera follows cars that have yet to finish after the player completes the race.
9 Years Ago
[block_party] Replaced music track with an MP3.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Improved rubber banding, camera now stops on the finish line when the race is done.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Implemented rubber banding. I am a terrible person.
9 Years Ago
[racer] AI cars are better at cornering, cars change to a `PostRace` controller after finishing.
9 Years Ago
Added `Unity/*/Assets/Plugins/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll` to .gitignore.
9 Years Ago
Removed `ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll` from source control.
9 Years Ago
Removed the `Newtonsoft.Json` dependency.
9 Years Ago
Added `Newtonsoft.Json` dependency to `GameAPI.Unity`.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Added `CarController.cs` to source control.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Refactored car logic so that controllers can be swapped out without creating a new `Car` instance.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Added timer to the HUD.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Fixed the game thinking you were suddenly further back in the track before crossing the finish line.
9 Years Ago
[racer] Cars now have distinct colours.