
274 Commits over 821 Days - 0.01cph!

1 Year Ago
Add weapon tag so player doesn't collide with weapon. Clear weapon velocity before throw
1 Year Ago
Fix reload on mp5
1 Year Ago
Add weapon_mp5
1 Year Ago
Copy player anim params to viewmodel
1 Year Ago
1.5 local scale for pistol
1 Year Ago
Dampen speed for viewmodel bobbing offset to avoid jitter
1 Year Ago
Fix viewmodel pitch and yaw delta
1 Year Ago
Add inertia damping to viewmodel (does calling this inertia even make sense for this anymore?)
1 Year Ago
Set deploy on viewmodels in OnAnimGraphCreated
1 Year Ago
Phygun and gravgun end grab on entity pre cleanup
1 Year Ago
Fix NRE when grabbed object with physgun is removed
1 Year Ago
Set anim helper VoiceLevel on server too
1 Year Ago
Camera follow corpse on death
1 Year Ago
Fix wonky thirdperson camera
1 Year Ago
IsClient & IsServer fixes
1 Year Ago
Fix car authority exception
1 Year Ago
pickup debris with physgun and gravgun
1 Year Ago
Fix NRE in player TakeDamage
1 Year Ago
Slow down the grab distance a bit
1 Year Ago
FIlter out damage from grabbed objects using tags
1 Year Ago
Fix obsolete GetTypeByName
1 Year Ago
Remove unused .vtex_c
1 Year Ago
models resource path
1 Year Ago
Remove physgun rotate hacks, Input.MouseDelta is fixed
1 Year Ago
Fix car screen shake
1 Year Ago
Fix car not smashing through things Fix car not driving under water
1 Year Ago
Rotate with physgun using accumulated analog look deltas so it's consistent across frame rates (Input.MouseDelta is unreliable per tick)
1 Year Ago
gravgun uses smooth damp instead of joints
1 Year Ago
gravgun only works on dynamic bodies
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Rework physgun to use smooth damp functions, to show the usefulness of it, and it works nicer. Use the tag system to check for already grabbed objects
1 Year Ago
Disable prediction on car
1 Year Ago
Remove driver before grabbing input so car doesn't drive by itself
1 Year Ago
Fix BaseTool not being filtered out of tool UI
1 Year Ago
Add tracing to base tool
1 Year Ago
Rework tools to fix dodgy previews
1 Year Ago
Bump up z-index of spawn menu so it's above chat
1 Year Ago
Fix car not working (Velocity and PhysicsBody.Velocity returning different values now?)
1 Year Ago
Hook up voice level again on animhelper
1 Year Ago
Add voice speaker ui element
2 Years Ago
Trace with no radius for melee and try again with radius if it doesn't hit
2 Years Ago
bump up footstep volume so you can actually hear it Fix triggers colliding with solids
2 Years Ago
Add glass collision type
2 Years Ago
Ragdoll copies material overrides
2 Years Ago
tool and flashlight 1 handed
2 Years Ago
Fix hold type not being set to none when we don't have a carriable
2 Years Ago
Fix player SimulateAnimation not using active controller which stopped noclip anims from working
2 Years Ago
Fix player not using sit animation in car
2 Years Ago
Update .addon (max players)
2 Years Ago
some compiled files it keeps generating