
56 Commits over 122 Days - 0.02cph!

3 Years Ago
Don't hide fbx_asset by default, fbx is common enough to be shown by default
3 Years Ago
Add ogg to sound asset additional extensions so they can be compiled
3 Years Ago
Fix drone blades
3 Years Ago
default holdtype_handedness in BaseCarriable
3 Years Ago
Update base.fgd
3 Years Ago
Initial point_camera and func_monitor entities
3 Years Ago
Change home avatar idle state when hovered over quit button
3 Years Ago
Fix possible NRE in nametags
3 Years Ago
compiled bench gibs that wasn't commited
3 Years Ago
Fix vmix assets not opening with vmix editor
3 Years Ago
Add reverb node to mixgraph vmix
3 Years Ago
Add surfaceproperties_steamaudio with a default entry to stop "Bake Reverb" from crashing
3 Years Ago
Don't need to update lights every tick in Home.Avatar
3 Years Ago
Fix possibly redundant safety checks in BaseWeapon.Simulate
3 Years Ago
propagate explosion forces to gibs that were created from an explosion (example: barrel blows up wall, wall gibs are forced back)
3 Years Ago
Still apply damage forces to invulnerable props
3 Years Ago
Update toolhelp_hammer_commands_english.txt
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
GetAttachment API change
3 Years Ago
Add 2d light cookie texture
3 Years Ago
Add TextEntry.CaretColor
3 Years Ago
Delete head_lod0_vmorf.vtex_c
3 Years Ago
Remove copy of tracksuit trousers in wrong place
3 Years Ago
Remove citizen ghost, doesn't work anymore
3 Years Ago
Remove toolscene lightrigs that don't exist
3 Years Ago
ModelDoc: Add all common node wizards to default archetype, we always want to see all of them regardless of archetype selected
3 Years Ago
Remove entries from modeldoc_editor_presets.txt that either don't work/don't care about
3 Years Ago
Change default prop explosion particle to new one
3 Years Ago
Fix applying decals on world from server side
3 Years Ago
Add audiostream.default.sound
3 Years Ago
Try using spotlights for home avatar
3 Years Ago
Add D_SRGB_IMAGE combo to ui_cssbox shader
3 Years Ago
Prop particles created with func with entity param so they get added to that entity
3 Years Ago
Initial support for spawning particles for props "particles_list" (note: doesn't yet support all attachment types and doesn't clean up when entity is deleted)
3 Years Ago
Remove model tinting from home avatar, shouldn't be needed now
3 Years Ago
Bump up zfar for now until we have a better way for maps to control it
3 Years Ago
Zero out roll in base camera build input so cameras can't permanently mess it up
3 Years Ago
Fix auto complete in console not showing up
3 Years Ago
Allow VertexBuffer.AddCube to set a color
3 Years Ago
Ducking respects player scale
3 Years Ago
Update car chassis
3 Years Ago
Modify chassis a bit
3 Years Ago
Handle sitting tag in standard player animator
3 Years Ago
Dump watermelon thumbnail
3 Years Ago
Fix obsolete warnings
3 Years Ago
Fix avatar looking to work with any screen size
3 Years Ago
Add skin material groups to dress.kneelength
3 Years Ago
fix skin
3 Years Ago
Add skin material groups to shorts.cargo
3 Years Ago
Fix ComputedStyle NRE