7,532 Commits over 3,712 Days - 0.08cph!
Fix network table corruption when writing entry that throws exception
Add connection pre info so that connection has valid info while checking AcceptConnection - Fixes SteamId is not properly initialized in INetworkListener.AcceptConnection
Floor on networking scene should be static
Try not to wake physics bodies when setting identical transforms, fixes proxy bodies not falling asleep
Strip absolute from ragdoll bone objects on physics destroy
Only recreate ragdoll physics on model change if it has already been created
Fix map hotload, managed type manager bumping up refcount of resources in maps when it shouldn't, causing them to never be unloaded
Cache scene model animgraph on change from native, cache animgraph param name to index to avoid string allocation
Add Rigidbody.MassCenter to get local mass center
Add PhysicsBody.SetInertiaTensor/ResetInertiaTensor
Add NotCloned flag to prop procedural components. Rebuild prop components on IsStatic change
Support animated texture sheets on decals https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b1711b1/sbox-dev_luiXru07Qa.mp4
Add Bitmap.DrawArc with optional use center
Fix player controller show colliders
Add Bitmap.InvertColor
Add invert color effect to image file texture generator https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b1511b1/sbox-dev_UgUB7PjkRg.mp4
Clear scene model anim parameter cache on model change, fixes crash on model change
Add RenderAttributes.Set for int vectors
Obsolete PhysicsWorld.TimeScale, no longer used
Add Rect.ClosestPoint
Support TIF image format in image loader and bitmap load
Add SceneTraceResult.Collider, to get the actual collider that was hit
Add SceneTrace.UseHitPosition to opt into computing of shape trace hit positions. This is opt in because it's not always needed and some games are using hitposition as if it's endposition, so it would be a breaking change https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b1211b1/sbox-dev_c1anohx70E.mp4
Add Vector3.IsInfinity
Fix editor camera position getting stuck in an invalid state, check for NaN and infinity, jump closer to target before smoothing if distance is crazy
Change physics ideal hz back to 120
Strip scale from collider local bounds, scale is built into physics shapes
Add Trace.Cylinder https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b1011b1/sbox-dev_RHoamCtLxL.mp4
Fix hashcode overflow in editor tool manager
Draw game object name with component name for component control widget now that component doesn't do it with ToString
Fix gameobject control widget "Find in Scene" not pushing to undo
Fix master volume not updating from convar in mixing thread
Add physics world to listener so sound occlusion knows what to trace against
Fix input getting stomped when applying direct mix
Sound box uses the closest listener
Maintain a list of sound listeners and use them to mix if the sound can be heard from them (sound is played from same scene as listener)
Use a default sound listener if none were added
Make sure sound handles always have at least one steam audio source
Make listener disposable
Make sure direct source has correct listener pos
Disable scene default sound listener if there's other listeners in the scene
Colliders implement IHasBounds
Scale particle sprites by game object scale, same as sprite renderer
Add pitch audio processor for realtime pitch shifting https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b0811b1/sbox-dev_seMxPouPi1.mp4
Make skinned render bounds more accurate https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b0711b1/sbox-dev_AgyUKwD7iH.mp4
Make sure direct source has correct listener pos
Disable scene default sound listener if there's other listeners in the scene
Make sure sound handles always have at least one steam audio source
Use a default sound listener if none were added
Maintain a list of sound listeners and use them to mix if the sound can be heard from them (sound is played from same scene as listener)
Run animation and procedural bone objects on bone merged renderers before bone merging to parent
Fix NRE spamming launcher window caused by Asset.GetPublishSettings being called on assets too early
Run animation and procedural bone objects on bone merged renderers before bone merging to parent https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b2511b1/sbox-dev_NxhcNeZxQi.mp4
Don't delete saved child game objects of map instance on map unload while in editor
Don't close replace component menu on key press, fixes enter key not confirming selection