
4,014 Commits over 1,461 Days - 0.11cph!

8 Months Ago
Remove some unused properties from voice
8 Months Ago
All sounds can compute amplitude now, add Voice.Amplitude and SoundHandle.Amplitude
8 Months Ago
Delete rendering world session, not used anymore
8 Months Ago
Don't support FIELD_VARIANT (not used) to get entity2 usage out of tier2
8 Months Ago
Don't include entitykeyvalues where it's not needed
8 Months Ago
Replace entitykeyvalues with keyvalues3 for map game data node
8 Months Ago
Trim down entitykeyvalues some more
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Allow modelphysics to disable collision sounds
8 Months Ago
ModelPhysics bodies sets their gameobject CollisionSoundSystem doesn't rely on collider so allow it to run without one
8 Months Ago
Remove last remaining networking code from animgraph (I think)
8 Months Ago
Remove last remaining CLIENT_DLL and SERVER_DLL defines
8 Months Ago
Remove these daft unused damping functions from physics interface
8 Months Ago
Optional params for SoundStream.Play
8 Months Ago
Add GetBodyGroup to ModelRenderer
8 Months Ago
Fix uninitialized variables in model anim, this will make IsWorldSpace assert reliably trigger when it should Set morph frame source anim to worldspace, fixes assert
8 Months Ago
format this
8 Months Ago
Fix transformed terrain incorrect lods by transforming camera pos in shader
8 Months Ago
Fix CastHeightShape (Allows casting against transformed terrain)
8 Months Ago
Delete deprecated anim nodes
8 Months Ago
Delete unused network related functions
8 Months Ago
Delete IsNetworkAuthority
8 Months Ago
Delete anim node network mode
8 Months Ago
Delete PropagateNetworkMode
8 Months Ago
IsNetworkAuthority always true until I remove this
8 Months Ago
Delete animnetvarbinding
8 Months Ago
Start removing networking from animgraph (BindNetworkedVars, BindNetworkVariables, BindNetworkedParameters)
8 Months Ago
Initialize material.. but properly this time
8 Months Ago
Fix collider overriding shape surface with default surface when model has already set it PhysicsShape.SurfaceMaterial updates the cached surface so it doesn't get into a situation where native and managed surface is out of sync Play impact sound from the impact surface, not the shape surface (they can be different on meshes!) Initialize native physics shape material to default so there's always a valid surface
8 Months Ago
Set map physics shapes collider to map collider component so they get collision events
8 Months Ago
Apply factor to zoom
8 Months Ago
Focus point zooming
8 Months Ago
Translate view based on zoom factor
8 Months Ago
Renames + new rect view
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Get rid of this, I hate it actually, should have a better way
8 Months Ago
Add Material.RepresentativeTexture, some tools want to know the main color texture of a material
8 Months Ago
Enable laughter detection on lipsync, add laughter score property
8 Months Ago
Init and shutdown ovrLipSync in soundsystem
8 Months Ago
lipsync dll
8 Months Ago
Compile morph frame data into model keyvalues Make a tiny change in citizen to make sure it gets recompiled Add ovrlipsync thirdparty Plug skinned renderer into voice component to test lipsync
8 Months Ago
Fix morph frame property domain getting fucked after model compile
8 Months Ago
Cache sample rate so we're not always asking steamuser for it
8 Months Ago
Add Voice component
8 Months Ago
Delete mouth system from soundsystem, too specific, doesn't work anymore
8 Months Ago
Remove all references to baseentity
8 Months Ago
Delete basehandle
8 Months Ago
remove entitysystem include from def
8 Months Ago
Delete entitysystem, no longer needed!
8 Months Ago
Delete everything from entity2 except entitysystem and entitykeyvalues