
4,014 Commits over 1,461 Days - 0.11cph!

8 Months Ago
Delete entityinterfaces, entitystructs
8 Months Ago
Delete entitycomponent
8 Months Ago
Remove more unused from entitykeyvalues, got to do this bit by bit
8 Months Ago
Don't clamp morph frame weights
8 Months Ago
Remove entityio from entitykeyvalues
9 Months Ago
Do the same for meshes
9 Months Ago
Support non uniform scaling convex colliders
9 Months Ago
Delete source1importlib, source1_legacy, vmf_to_vmap
9 Months Ago
Delete sfm and sfmobjects (delete sfm interop if you can't compile)
9 Months Ago
Apply scene object transform to physics bones (no animgraph code path)
9 Months Ago
Fix build failing, can't access TerrainData cref in sandbox.engine
9 Months Ago
Only set body group defaults on model change when sceneobject exists so it doesn't get reset on deserialize
9 Months Ago
If the collider is static, make the rigidbody static, fixes colliders trying to add keyframed body twice
9 Months Ago
Notify transform change when changing parent #4386
9 Months Ago
Model renderer resets body groups to models default mesh group mask on model change
9 Months Ago
Fix soundstream creating managed audio stream with args mixed up
9 Months Ago
Grid snap to drag and drop surface
9 Months Ago
MusicPlayer.Spectrum returns 512 magnitudes memset these pointers so we aren't exposing junk memory to managed
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Remove game specific functions from looptype
9 Months Ago
Delete main menu loop mode, unused Delete testscriptmgr
9 Months Ago
Delete some unused projects from utils
9 Months Ago
Delete some obvious unused libs from thirdparty
9 Months Ago
Move files from engineservices to engine2, these can probably be deleted when loopmodes go away
9 Months Ago
Delete socketlib
9 Months Ago
Delete as much as possible from public/rubikon Move the rest to public/physicslib
9 Months Ago
Rename engsoundservice to videorecorder because the movie recording stuff was put here for some reason
9 Months Ago
Delete gameuiservice and soundservices
9 Months Ago
Fix ragdoll rendering with wrong rotation, bone transform should be body local to gameobject world
9 Months Ago
Fix root bones not returning in local space
9 Months Ago
Add SceneModel.GetBoneLocalTransform, make worldPosition in GetBoneTransform work
9 Months Ago
Copy renderer bones to model physics bones
9 Months Ago
Strip root body transform from renderer bones, fixes ragdolls rendering in wrong place
9 Months Ago
Make sure clearing model in ModelRenderer resets sceneobject to default cube NRE in DrawSelection
9 Months Ago
Add functions to ModelRenderer to set body group
9 Months Ago
Update flex controller weights straight away when setting morphs
9 Months Ago
Fix shadergraph not showing all available nodes from connection, shadergraph doesn't have relevant nodes
9 Months Ago
Delete CEntitySystem::CreateEntity
9 Months Ago
Delete some more from entity2
9 Months Ago
Remove obvious unused interfaces
9 Months Ago
public/engine2 cleaning pass
9 Months Ago
Delete CSteam3Client, (old api?) steam interfaces can be got elsewhere
9 Months Ago
Move orbit camera to SceneEditorExtensions
9 Months Ago
Add the same bounds checks as before to IzHeightFieldShape::CastRay
9 Months Ago
Missed a few more
9 Months Ago
Another engine2 cleaning pass
9 Months Ago
Check if managed is ready before calling physics callbacks
9 Months Ago
Izabu: Add abstract concave shape to make it easier to derive concave shapes (mesh, heightfield, plane etc) and use the same contact code
9 Months Ago
Delete entity.class.def
9 Months Ago
Remove entity handle usage from base light probe volume