
4,014 Commits over 1,461 Days - 0.11cph!

12 Months Ago
Get rid of orthographic areas (used for drag?)
12 Months Ago
Only collide on INTERSECTION_PAIR_RESOLVE_CONTACTS Get rid of CreateMeshShape on the interface, nothing uses it
12 Months Ago
If we're casting against a sphere or capsule, add on the radius from the proxy
12 Months Ago
Fix mistake in trace solver when porting over Cast against hull properly
12 Months Ago
Add trace solver Attempt to use trace solver for meshes and hulls
12 Months Ago
Shape triangulation (tools need this)
12 Months Ago
ShouldHit is needed :(
12 Months Ago
Remove IsEntityPairDisabled and DoesEntityHaveCollisionPairs Get rid of CPhysicsWorld::ShouldHit, only used once in nav runtime gen but I don't think it's enabled or used
12 Months Ago
Remove unused shit from util_trace
12 Months Ago
Support body AddMeshShape
12 Months Ago
Support 2 body overlap check
12 Months Ago
Remove joint Activate and Deactivate, unused and no longer a thing
12 Months Ago
Fix crash when removing contacts, sometimes the next contact can be null? Remove contacts if we disable joint collision
12 Months Ago
Allow joint collision to be toggled (do we need to update contacts?)
12 Months Ago
Joint motor modes
12 Months Ago
Filter out shapes on sphere and box queries
12 Months Ago
Add CWorldCastMultipleCallback for multiple casts
12 Months Ago
Add a should collide callback so we can hijack the simulation filtering (naughty)
12 Months Ago
Move cast callback to physicsfilter
12 Months Ago
Remove collision function mask stuff on body, only used on shape
12 Months Ago
Use our custom cast callback using physics filter for single casts to test Setting collision attributes with no tags will add solid by default, important!
12 Months Ago
Add CPhysicsFilter which is just our modified CRnCollisionFilter, we'll fork the physics library slightly to perform our own filtering
12 Months Ago
Surfaces properties instead of material on CShapeCastResult
12 Months Ago
Get cast result surface properties from per triangle material indices if we trace a mesh
12 Months Ago
Store per triangle material indices on shape so we can get them back on collision event
12 Months Ago
Do the same for CastSphereMultiple CastBoxMultiple too while we're at it
12 Months Ago
Add a cast callback that collects all intersections to support CastRayMultiple
12 Months Ago
Remove linear and angular drag, no longer a thing
12 Months Ago
Get rid of unused query functions on interface
12 Months Ago
Fix shape CastSphere and CastBox (probably)
12 Months Ago
Downgrade CastSphereSingle to CastRaySingle if radius is zero Mesh shape CastRay is getting -1 for best triangle sometimes so ignore it to avoid crash
12 Months Ago
Do sphere and bounds shape overlap tests properly by copying how testbed does shape casts
12 Months Ago
Sphere query will perform a shape overlap if we're testing for shapes and not proxies
12 Months Ago
Add sphere query to dynamic tree World sphere query (needs testing)
12 Months Ago
AddBoxShape and AddHullShape that C# use
12 Months Ago
Get rid of UTIL_TraceModel
12 Months Ago
CastRaySingleBody, CastSphereSingleBody, CastBoxSingleBody, probably not fully correct but only markup volume uses it and we'll probably get rid of this
12 Months Ago
Remove some unused cast functions from interface
12 Months Ago
Delete our joints and shapes before removing body from world
12 Months Ago
Remove shape from body and remove body from world checks if it owns them first
12 Months Ago
World query (cos mixed shadows uses it) Disable shadows on debug rendering
12 Months Ago
Get cast result surface properties from hit shape material
12 Months Ago
Shape GetInertiaProperties (overkill? Only CModelPreviewPhysicsShape uses it) Adding/removing tags on shapes collision attributes until we know how this fits into the filtering system
12 Months Ago
Aggregate SetCollisionAttributesFromResource and SetTotalMass Setup the callbacks for contact modify and end Prismatic joint from desc Spring joint from desc
12 Months Ago
Port spring joint from rubikon
12 Months Ago
Remove World StepCollision and GetSimulationTimeElapsed, doubt these are needed anymore
12 Months Ago
World GetJoint by index
12 Months Ago
Body and Shape SetMaterialIndex World GetBody by index
12 Months Ago
Remove legacy objectparams_t stuff
12 Months Ago
Conical joint limits