
4,331 Commits over 1,552 Days - 0.12cph!

15 Days Ago
Line renderer supports texturing, the same as trail renderers
18 Days Ago
Remove nSrcMipLevels and nDstMipLevels from CopyTexture and CopyFromVolumeTexture, they're not used in vulkan. Obsolete Graphics.CopyTexture with srcMipLevels and dstMipLevels, use the one without
18 Days Ago
Check mip sizes in Graphics.CopyTexture, not the texture size
18 Days Ago
Shadergraph: Add take large screenshot button
18 Days Ago
Auto populate model collider on awake if none are set
18 Days Ago
Make component sheet readonly when using NotEditable component flag
18 Days Ago
Make joint gizmos less noisy
18 Days Ago
Add Rigidbody.Sleeping
18 Days Ago
Don't use MarkDirty in collider, it is causing a double collider rebuild, in turn causing rigidbody start asleep to not work
19 Days Ago
Fix Gizmo.Control.Capsule (has it ever worked properly?)
19 Days Ago
Restore this fbx blend shape normals code, at the time it was fucked but now it looks correct, recursive destroy on fbx mesh copies may have been causing it - Fixes incorrect normal smoothing on fbx meshes that include morphs that aren't being used
19 Days Ago
Allow create model context menu item for fbx, obj, dmx
19 Days Ago
Asset preview dmx
19 Days Ago
Delete infectedwoundrenderdata
19 Days Ago
Delete more from common
19 Days Ago
Delete public/assetrename
19 Days Ago
Remove some unused code from src/common
19 Days Ago
Fix updating tags removing trigger contacts, only shapes that ignore each other should have contacts removed Position editor tool only smooth moves rigidbodies that have motion enabled
19 Days Ago
Fix collision events returning incorrect per triangle surfaces
21 Days Ago
Add Graphics.Draw from GpuBuffer<T>
21 Days Ago
Clear cached material override on sceneobject when changing model so it can be set again - Fixes model renderer not applying material override on model change
21 Days Ago
Try to match normal and tangent of native material editor plane
21 Days Ago
Don't make this struct public
21 Days Ago
Material preview uses tessellated plane with vertex blends so blended materials can be previewed
22 Days Ago
Add plane_large.vmdl for large subdivided plane
22 Days Ago
Normalize quats going to physicsbody, set to identity if they can't be normalized - could potentially fix rare physics failure
23 Days Ago
Move joint OnBreak action to breaking group
23 Days Ago
Add buttons to joint break and unbreak so it can be toggled from editor
23 Days Ago
Add Joint.IsBroken Add Joint.StartBroken Add Joint.Unbreak() to activate the joint after breaking
23 Days Ago
Add Joint.LinearStress/AngularStress - mostly to check current impulse against break limits Spring joint impulse checked against break limit seems to be negated?
23 Days Ago
Fix Gizmo.Control.Position returning true without it being dragged on
23 Days Ago
Trigger exit detection only checks if there's any contacts on triggers, not non triggers
23 Days Ago
Physics tool selects all rigidbodies in hierarchy
23 Days Ago
Expose MeshComponent.Model
23 Days Ago
Don't invoke ISceneCollisionEvents for trigger intersections
23 Days Ago
Update skinned renderers if they have physics bones
24 Days Ago
deserialize absolute game object flag, flags are deserialized selectively
24 Days Ago
Joints execute in editor, physics tool can manipulate physics in editor so joints should also work
24 Days Ago
Colliders without rigidbody are static in editor
24 Days Ago
Hook up Mixer.Solo
24 Days Ago
Hook up Mixer.Mute
25 Days Ago
Support SoundHandle.Stop fade time, add Fadeout curve to control fading
27 Days Ago
Smooth move rigidbodies with position tool so moving them doesn't fight with physics
27 Days Ago
Fix NRE in color picker when there's no parent
27 Days Ago
Hide, JsonIgnore on GameResource
27 Days Ago
Create directory when saving clothing render icon (should these be put in temp filesystem/game resource data block)
28 Days Ago
Support animation on bone merged skinned renderers, bones not included in the merge will be animated
29 Days Ago
Add more error checking around mp3 mixer process stream, still seeing these pop up in sentry
29 Days Ago
Grab msaa from scene camera attributes when doing Graphics.RenderToTexture, scene camera might have msaa disabled
30 Days Ago
Give better titles to collider trigger actions