
4,221 Commits over 1,552 Days - 0.11cph!

2 Months Ago
Fix "Break into separate components" on a deactivated Prop component not restoring procedural components
3 Months Ago
Only update sphere shape when changed Cache transform origin for sphere collider when built, use that when resizing
3 Months Ago
AnimGraph: Keep track of cycle for updating state machine blend weights instead of calculating from anim time, should fix dodgy blends when playback speed fluctuates
3 Months Ago
ModelDoc: Fix obj loader not making use of object name, causing bad mesh names
3 Months Ago
Fix rigidbody transform change, check change against target local, not the interpolated transform, remove proxy check
3 Months Ago
Fixed joint sets linear angular spring maximum force to float max, this is the default, not zero
3 Months Ago
Fix prop gibs not making use of placementOrigin attachment when it exists, causing some gibs to be spawning at incorrect origin
3 Months Ago
Null check these too
3 Months Ago
Fix NRE caused by "Fix Duplicated Entries in Create GameObject Menu"
3 Months Ago
Add sbyte, short, ushort to IntegerControlWidget
3 Months Ago
Fix model physics positioning physics from render bones without the renderer world transform when scene model doesn't exist yet
3 Months Ago
Only enable physics system in editor while using physics tool
3 Months Ago
Auto start simulation on grab
3 Months Ago
Block tool switches to object mode after creation
3 Months Ago
Add space shortcut to toggle simulation Stop simulation on selection change
3 Months Ago
Add physics tool to manipulate physics in editor
3 Months Ago
Show particle count like this so it doesn't show up as a prefab variable
3 Months Ago
Add particle editor tool to debug playback in editor
3 Months Ago
Add face mode to trail renderer, same as line renderer
3 Months Ago
Fix out of range exception
3 Months Ago
Support facing camera or normal in line shader Add face mode camera or normal in scene line object Add Vector3.Slerp/SlerpTo Add face mode to line renderer so it can face normals defined by point rotations
3 Months Ago
Override custom projection matrix with VR projection matrix
3 Months Ago
Support trace hit position for sphere casts again
3 Months Ago
Add SkinnedModelRenderer.Parameters for better API to set animgraph parameters and show the parameters in inspector
3 Months Ago
Json ignore this in case it needs it
3 Months Ago
Add CameraComponent.RenderTarget to render allow rendering to texture
3 Months Ago
Fix modeldoc not cleaning up a embedded preview, causing an invalid thumbnail listener to stay around which sometimes causes a crash when a thumbnail is generated
3 Months Ago
Fix terrain gizmo bounds
3 Months Ago
Move rigidbody start asleep until after colliders are added - otherwise it's not going to do jack shit Add Prop.StartAsleep, this is common enough to justify adding to prop
3 Months Ago
Clear texture after creating texture if no data was set, instead of refcount hack
3 Months Ago
Don't use strong handle here, just temporarily increment refcount, I don't trust using strong handle here
3 Months Ago
Fix error texture spam when calling ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint, created texture needs to be put into a strong handle so refcount isn't zero
3 Months Ago
Fix exception in CCameraRenderer::RenderToLayer
3 Months Ago
Constrain gamepad input dropdown to screen
3 Months Ago
Fix NRE when updating from prefab
3 Months Ago
Make sure components are using IsValid too
3 Months Ago
Use !IsValid instead of == null or is null for any IValid
3 Months Ago
Use IsValid instead of != null or is not null for any IValid
3 Months Ago
Apply primitive render attributes in animatables too
3 Months Ago
Don't run physics in editor
3 Months Ago
Get rid of this optional render attributes, add it when it's needed
3 Months Ago
DrawSceneObject can take attributes, by default these will come from Graphics.Attributes so Graphics.SetupLighting will now work with scene object render
3 Months Ago
Shadergraph: Add multiple outputs for float2, float3, float4 on Combine node
3 Months Ago
Shadergraph: Add distance node
3 Months Ago
Hide these properties on unary nodes
3 Months Ago
Shadergraph: Fix node menu not getting all nodes from plug drag, all nodes are relevant in shadergraph, at least for now
3 Months Ago
Shadergraph: Properties window uses the modern control sheet Comment node uses text area for description
3 Months Ago
Move fixed update to shared tick so it can execute in editor, the docs say it should
3 Months Ago
Shadergraph: Add world tangent node, U and V tangent outputs
3 Months Ago
Fix ModelRenderer material override not applying all their material flags, SetMaterialOverrideForMeshInstances is more reliable for material overrides. Hide material groups when using material override, they're not compatible