
4,336 Commits over 1,552 Days - 0.12cph!

2 Years Ago
Rename IVPhysics2World to IPhysicsWorld Rename IVPhysics2 to IPhysicsSystem Rename g_pVPhysics2 to g_pPhysicsSystem
2 Years Ago
Build aggregate constraints
2 Years Ago
Build aggregate joints
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Debug draw constraints
2 Years Ago
Use distance constraint for weld joint for now so physgun sort of works, I don't think jolt weld is a soft constraint -
2 Years Ago
Delay delete joints
2 Years Ago
Create new joints so game has valid joint handles
2 Years Ago
physicsjoint stubs
2 Years Ago
Remove GetLocalInertiaInv
2 Years Ago
Impl GetBodyTransform for aggregate
2 Years Ago
PhysicsWorld::AddBody creates body with empty mutable compound shape, mostly to stop game complaining about invalid bodies
2 Years Ago
Only destroy jolt bodies that are ready to be deleted. Make sure to call ReadyDelayedDeleteObjects in ClearIntersectionNotifications
2 Years Ago
Move client side kinematics (UpdateShadow, but we don't have shadows yet)
2 Years Ago
Remove GetPhysicalMassInv
2 Years Ago
DelayedDelete aggregate
2 Years Ago
Do the delayed delete shit instead of deleting straight away
2 Years Ago
Remove even more junk from the interfaces
2 Years Ago
Remove ApplyPositionImpulseAt, ApplyOrienationOmega Return normal for CastRaySingle
2 Years Ago
CastRaySingle SetGameSceneNodeHandle, GetGameSceneNodeHandle, GetEntityID -
2 Years Ago
Linear and angular damping
2 Years Ago
Add step listener to call PrePhysicsStep
2 Years Ago
Impl parts of physicsaggregate that are not api specific
2 Years Ago
Impl DestroyAggregateInstance, RemoveBody etc
2 Years Ago
Only destroy aggregate in SetupPhysicsFromUnscaledModel if we're not already SOLID_VPHYSICS - avoids recreating the aggregate when we shouldn't need to
2 Years Ago
Fix capsule shapes
2 Years Ago
Add command line switch to change physics module
2 Years Ago
Disable collision for kinematics for now, many intersecting kinematics (server side bodies on client) seem to be completely fucking up the simulation, causing everything to fall through world
2 Years Ago
matrix conversion
2 Years Ago
Init debug renderer so we have all the geometry batches for primitives
2 Years Ago
batch debug drawing properly
2 Years Ago
make a start on debug rendering so i can see what the fuck is going on
2 Years Ago
Remove wokeup and asleep lists from world step results, shouldn't have to need these
2 Years Ago
Remove HintSimRateChange
2 Years Ago
Remove SetBuoyancyRatio
2 Years Ago
Remove GetSphereRadius and SetSphereRadius
2 Years Ago
Same for drag and damping
2 Years Ago
Impl a few velocity related functions in physics aggregate
2 Years Ago
Create physics shapes for each jolt subshape
2 Years Ago
Override mass if provided, set inertia scale if provided
2 Years Ago
Use a rotated translated shape for single spheres and capsules so they can be offset
2 Years Ago
Rotate capsule using the two center points
2 Years Ago
Aggregates build body and shapes with a single BodyCreationSettings - rubikon could create a body and add shapes at will, jolt doesn't work that way :(
2 Years Ago
Make all bodies with compounds for now so we can collide with world
2 Years Ago
Alloc phys data Set shape userdata
2 Years Ago
SetAngularVelocity, GetAngularVelocity ApplyLinearImpulse, ApplyLinearImpulseAtWorldSpace ApplyAngularImpulse ApplyForce, ApplyForceAt
2 Years Ago
Set motion type of aggregate (on client, networked bodies get set to keyframed) this fixes SetLinearVelocity etc
2 Years Ago
Add collision shapes to body
2 Years Ago
Move surface property manager and phys data manager to their own file
2 Years Ago
Create a temp box shape so we have something to collide with