
4,495 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.12cph!

3 Months Ago
Rework triggers to check contact points instead of ref counted touches. Add ITriggerListener.OnTriggerEnter/Exit for game objects that contain multiple colliders
3 Months Ago
Revert trigger changes
3 Months Ago
Fix NRE in trigger rework
3 Months Ago
Fix PhysicsBody.IsTouching returning too early
3 Months Ago
Fix touching colliders only being added to triggers
3 Months Ago
Add PhysicsBody.IsTouching( body ) Rework triggers to check for exit events at the end of physics step, should be more reliable than ref counting touch events
3 Months Ago
Disable rendering on sceneobject when model renderer uses model that has no valid render meshes
3 Months Ago
Cache native physics body shapes so GetShape can have direct access to them
3 Months Ago
Fix LobbyCard NRE
3 Months Ago
Use error model for sceneobject when model has no valid render meshes Do the same for scenemodel
3 Months Ago
Fix map drop object for local maps
3 Months Ago
Make sure ListView itemsPerRow can't be zero
3 Months Ago
Add TrailRenderer.Emitting to control when new points should be added to the trail or not Fix camera shader node typo with FarPlane
4 Months Ago
Grt rid of log spam in OnAnimationEvent
4 Months Ago
Animgraph: Add blend cycle option to state machine transitions - blends cycle on transition instead of resetting to zero
4 Months Ago
Fix readonly string control widget
4 Months Ago
Remove extra quat normalize that isn't doing anything
4 Months Ago
Normalize quaternions in AddPoses to prevent drift in model space blending
4 Months Ago
Don't early out of model collider when there isn't a bone for part
4 Months Ago
Allow physics shape to associate with a bone index so SceneTraceResult.Bone works when hitting physics shape, as the summary suggests
4 Months Ago
Remove the need for CGameTrace and delete it, the less trace result structs we have, the better
4 Months Ago
Add pivot to sprite renderers
4 Months Ago
Add Model extension to create bone objects Rework skinned renderer to use create bone objects extension. Ignore absolute bone objects.
4 Months Ago
Fix crash in CModelStream::CopyValuesFromStream, assert out of bounds
4 Months Ago
Save launcher cookies to it's own file Make sure launcher doesn't save editor cookies, they would stomped on close
4 Months Ago
Finish bone updates at end of update if transform has changed after updating bones
4 Months Ago
Revert, this is likely going to break threaded animation
4 Months Ago
Finish bone update on renderer transform change to ensure bones are up to date in situations where transform changes after animation update
4 Months Ago
Do not do a recursive destroy on mesh copies when loading fbx blend shapes, this seems to fuck up the original mesh it was copied from
4 Months Ago
Fix new project location file dialog not setting initial directory
4 Months Ago
Improve spotlight gizmos
4 Months Ago
Include file in delete asset dialog for single asset selection
4 Months Ago
Physics debug render uses OverlayWithDepth so it's after post process
4 Months Ago
Protect against processing the same physics intersection event multiple times
4 Months Ago
Apply particle rotation to object alignment mode
4 Months Ago
Ensure positive zero when doing ValueToString on float controls
4 Months Ago
Add BillboardAlignment.Object to ParticleSpriteRenderer to align particles to game object rotation
4 Months Ago
Add transform widget back to prefab object inspector
4 Months Ago
Don't remove sensor contacts when changing body type, fixes triggers entering without leaving when toggling motion type while inside a trigger
4 Months Ago
Shadergraph: Get rid of DynamicComboRule( Allow0( D_COMPRESSED_NORMALS_AND_TANGENTS ) )
4 Months Ago
Rework component serialize bail logic
4 Months Ago
Add ComponentFlags.NotCloned to opt out of component serialize when cloning in editor
4 Months Ago
Unfuck native physics interface for creating joints, they should all pass in local frames, it's up to C# to calculate local frames for desired setup
4 Months Ago
Move joint attachment mode and local frames to base joint, all joints should have these
4 Months Ago
Factor in surface velocity when solving linear friction constraint Add PhysicsShape.SurfaceVelocity Add Collider.SurfaceVelocity - Sets the local velocity of the surface so things can slide along it, like a conveyor belt
4 Months Ago
Fix null exception in PlayerStats.TryGet
4 Months Ago
WorldTextSceneObject needs to be OverlayWithDepth to have depth with draw solids
4 Months Ago
Fix winding in Gizmo.Draw.SolidBox
4 Months Ago
Fix dragging installed cloud assets, don't just bail if it can't find primary asset, fallback to url
4 Months Ago
Support drags from resource control into scene viewport