4,469 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.12cph!
Don't normalize move dir in player animator, fixes funky walk anims
Compute voice levels to show on the voice UI
Check for null or empty voice data internally so gamemodes don't have to worry about it
Voice chat data uses custom net message instead of RPC
Try sending voice data as byte array again
Voice chat UI and attempt to network voice data properly
Add simple voice chat as a starting off point
Right click .vsnd to open as sound asset in inspector
Support trans suffix in create material from image
Export crossbow and arrow materials properly
Fix text entry not updating data bind when deleting or backspacing
Fix PhysicsHullFromRender calculated mass info
Fix PhysicsHullFromRender preview
Asset browser: Support multiple filter by type anywhere in search bar
Fix browse textures as files in material editor using multiple jpg ext as filter
ModelDoc: Fix fbx loader only using the first FbxPose (fixes loading models that have multiple bone roots)
Add setters for PhysicsBody Mass and LocalMassCenter. Wheel tool copies mass of attached prop (for now)
Give thrusters a massless mode
Fixed forced inventory slot switch not being predicted
Allow AnimEntity and PlayerAnimator to reset all params
Try to normalize and scale forward and sideward anim params to keep in -1 to 1 range
net_fakelag prints back total value to avoid confusion
Fix driving prediction errors
Remove some massive unused compiled textures
Extract it properly (I think)
Extract modular vehicle roughness map
Split car components into separate files
Add Circle and Sphere to DebugOverlay
Get pitch, yaw, roll from Rotation separately
Add Rotation From Pitch/Yaw/Roll for when you don't need/want to create Angles
Add thirdperson orbit mode (mostly for debugging)
Transform entity view offset by entity rotation (probably should make this optional)
Give SandboxPlayer a way to override controller, camera and animator for vehicles
Thirdperson camera targets player world pos, not local
Enable gloss and AO on modular vehicle material
More work on car entity
Another attempt at setting bone transforms in localspace
SBox_SetBoneTransform localspace attempt
More work on modular vehicle
Make sure features are enabled properly when creating material from image
Support metalness texture when creating material from image
Fix drone model path. Fix modular vehicle material.
Fix selected asset types getting fucked on initial filter update
Support partial type names in asset browser filter string
Add FindAllAssetTypesByPartialFriendlyName
AssetBrowser: Support "t:material" in search to filter by type
Cleanup create material from image
Fix assert when closing saved material from image
Make sure current tool list item is active when ui is first created
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Add CModelMesh::HasFacesInFaceGroup, should be quicker than FindFacesInFaceGroup
ModelDoc: Material group shouldn't show materials that aren't used (ie, aren't on a mesh)
Enable specular by default when creating material from image
If there's no valid suffix on texture name, just throw it into the color slot
Right clicking an image file in asset browser tries to create a material (needs cleaning up but works)
Don't accept drag action if there's no valid files
ModelDoc: Add support for fbx file drag and drop