4,469 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.12cph!
Remover tool delays delete until next frame to give physics chance to wake up
Add PhysicsBody.GravityScale
Spawn ent with just eye yaw
Fix physgun breaking when grabbed ent is deleted
Bump up SetRagdollVelocityFrom linear amount slightly
Add remover tool
Parent thrusters to physics body bone instead of just the entity
Add glow to grabbed physgun object
Check if entity is valid before taking damage using gun
Add ModelEntity.RenderColor
Disable solid collisions on attached thrusters
Add (temp?) post physics callback so forces can be applied to thruster
Spawn thruster ent with tool (left click attached, right click unattached)
Don't attach thrusters to world
Rotate thruster ghost to hit normal
Add bindings for joint EnableLinearConstraint and EnableAngularConstraint
Only transfer yaw to grabbed object. Disable angular spring when not rotating to make grabbed object more stable. Decreased rotation speed.
Fix the math for physgun rotating
Try adding a body proxy to allow traces to welded structures to return the root body and not the child
Don't try to weld ents that have multiple bodies to avoid dealing with welding ragdolls right now
Remove welding testing code from player
Implement physgun as a BaseCarriable
Rotate grabbed physgun object with owner yaw
TraceResult returns physics body and shape hit
Add implicit casts from joint types to physics joint handle
Split physics related enums into their own files
Move target distance with mouse wheel
Physics joints and bodies can remove themselves by going through the physics world
Expose some parts of physics world
Add WithBasis helper to joint builders. Add Rotation.Conjugate
Add WithPivot helper to joint builders
Solid weld proof of concept testing code
Bind physics shape and shape cloning (collision merging)
Allow all the other joints to be created
Rename joint config to joint builder to stay consistent
Bind all functions for every joint so it's out of the way and never has to be done again
Rename all texture config types Create to Finish
Add stubs for the rest of the joints (conical, generic, prismatic, spherical, spring)
Bind everything that can be get/set on a revolute joint after it's created via a joint context
Use vertex and index buffers directly for UI render to cut out a lot of bullshit and so they're easier to bind
Add helper for getting texture from resource handle. Bind FindOrCreateFileTexture