
8 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

11 Months Ago
Fix decal entry defaults not being set Get rid of decal convars and use the fade times from decal definition
11 Months Ago
Helps if i call the right rpc
11 Months Ago
Network moving decals from one ent to another, some games are calling TakeDecalsFrom server side and it wasn't working before
11 Months Ago
Clear the whole decal list if we want to clear both world and entity decals
11 Months Ago
Add fade time and duration to decal definition but don't use it yet because defaults on DecalEntry don't work? Remove r_decal_debug
11 Months Ago
Add IS_DYNAMIC_DECAL | REFLECTS | DOES_NOT_ACCEPT_DECALS flags in case they're needed
11 Months Ago
Delete native decal game system
11 Months Ago
Rewrite decal system in managed Fix decal jittering on skinned meshes