
3,072 Commits over 1,552 Days - 0.08cph!

5 Months Ago
Rebuild or update collider if they're a child of the rigidbody object and their local transform changed
5 Months Ago
Fix hitbox adding box shape twice the size
5 Months Ago
Improve flatten tool, first stroke saves a plane to trace against to get flatten height and uv
5 Months Ago
Update dirty collider region for heightfield materials
5 Months Ago
Don't cause a rebuild for mesh component when transform chances when scene is not editor
5 Months Ago
Remove hack from mesh component that is stopping hulls from being kinematic
5 Months Ago
No need to pin this memory anymore, height shape makes a copy of it
5 Months Ago
Update height collision region
5 Months Ago
Update height field without recreating the shape
5 Months Ago
Don't keep setting terrain collider to static if it's already static, this is causing an on dirty, don't dirty collider on heightmap region dirty, we should be able to update this faster
5 Months Ago
Add shapeless heightfield cast for Terrain.RayIntersects
5 Months Ago
Box collider rescales without rebuilding the shape
5 Months Ago
Wake connected here too for good measure Don't dirty box collider on size change, update the hull instead - fixes trigger enter/leave when resizing
5 Months Ago
Add internal UpdateBoxShape, box collider will use it
5 Months Ago
Update mesh shape by updating the BVH instead of recreating the whole shape
5 Months Ago
Turn on trace solver again, looks like it performs much better Use worldspace cloud here for the obstacle, it's always identity so no need to transform it
5 Months Ago
Clear velocity internally when disabling motion
5 Months Ago
We can't assume rigidbodies are static when motion is disabled, people are using them for kinematic platforms
5 Months Ago
Merge latest izabu changes
5 Months Ago
Rigid body motion disabled uses static, it doesn't make use of shadow controller so we just miss out on CCD if we use kinematic
5 Months Ago
Make sure rigidbody disables controller when motion is enabled
5 Months Ago
Fix sliding down slopes, move to height of ground trace hit position
5 Months Ago
ifdef this shit out to see if it's slowing us down
5 Months Ago
Turn off trace solver and give box traces a small radius by default to see if anyone notices
5 Months Ago
More interface cleanup
5 Months Ago
Put linear cast callback on the query shape, this makes more sense
5 Months Ago
Make sure linear cast callback is set for updated mesh shapes!!
5 Months Ago
Keep the same physics contact for both sides, I don't think it makes sense to randomly flip these
5 Months Ago
Fix collision sounds
5 Months Ago
Make sure all izabu changes are wrapped with SBOX define
5 Months Ago
Negative mesh scale fix
5 Months Ago
Izabu latest (#1625)
5 Months Ago
Trace direction is wrong way around
5 Months Ago
Fix loading custom cursors and tga, psd textures in non editor games
6 Months Ago
▌█ ▍▋▋ ▊▅██ ▌▅▌ ▇▆▍▆▅▄ ▊▊▉▇▆▌
6 Months Ago
▇▅▆▉ ▆▋▊▍▇██▄▊▋ ▆▊▋█▊▆ █▅▄▉▅█▋▆▌▌█▇▅▊▉▆▋
6 Months Ago
Remove step results from physics interface, no longer used
6 Months Ago
Add json type converter safely through TypeLibrary
6 Months Ago
Remove unused convar refs
6 Months Ago
Don't need this shit now
6 Months Ago
Add binds we'll need for sceneobject serialization Bind light desc so we can create a light directly from desc
6 Months Ago
Make sure any scene light properties ask native for their value so they can never go out of sync
6 Months Ago
Preview animgraph parameters on model preview
6 Months Ago
Fix GetParameterInt and GetParameterFloat not working for ANIMPARAM_ENUM
6 Months Ago
Fix incorrect min max for int AnimParam Add option names to enum AnimParam
6 Months Ago
Terrain can import splatmap from png, tga, jpg, psd
6 Months Ago
Dictionary control widgets can't be edited when readonly
6 Months Ago
Allow model inspector to preview animations
6 Months Ago
Start pending components before physics step - fixes physics step running before joints are created
6 Months Ago
Fix SoundEvent.GetNextSound random not using the full range of sounds