3,079 Commits over 1,552 Days - 0.08cph!
Fix some small annoyances with move helper
Fix material browser asset window crashing when selecting "show hidden assets"
Animgraph: Only hide dock widgets that aren't floating when entering fullscreen mode
Inherit collision attributes of first shape on a body when adding new ones dynamically
Always override loop settings, we don't care about loop settings in the wav file
Animgraph: Do a fully copy of parameter properties
Backport cleaned physics interrface (sorry for rebuild times)
Add back Stop and Dispose to SoundStream but obsolete them, use Delete instead
Change soundstream to use managed handles, should be safer and gives us a chance to call back to managed to feed in audio data
Add back audiostream.default, some games were relying on this
Also copy over default value and network mode
Animgraph: Add duplicate action to parameters
Add constructor for SceneSunLight
Initialize pose morph weights to zero, somewhere isn't setting them when using base model feature
Add Client.VoiceStereo to control if voice chat is played in 3d or 2d
Call OnVoicePlayed before sound is output to give users a chance to tell the client how the voice should be played
Add LinearDamping and AngularDamping to PhysicsGroup
Add MassScale, LinearDamping, AngularDamping to prop_physics
Rename vphys2_aggregate to physicsaggregate
Remove CRnContact usage in IPhysicsShape
Merge IVPhysXWorld into IVPhysics2World, I don't see the point of having two world interfaces other than to be annoying
Trim some more functions from physics world
Don't link vphysics2 in face poser, I don't think it's needed
Remove unused vphys2 convars
Rename CVPhys2World to CPhysicsWorld for consistency
Remove CRnWorld usage out of physicsdebugdraw
Remove physicsdefinitions
Remove IFnPhysicsSoftbody
Remove Type dispatch functions from physics joint interface
Remove IFnPhysicsBaseShape
Remove some unused functions from physics body interface
Animgraph: Hide gizmos and ground plane when in viewmodel camera mode
Remove IFnPhysicsHullShape and IFnPhysicsMeshShape
Remove IFnPhysicsJoint ugh
Remove CPhysicsBody Connect and Disconnect - unused
Don't access CRnBody directly in ComputeImpactStrength
Remove some direct usage of CRnBody
Remove IFnPhysicsContact - unused and would be nice to get rid of all these pointless wrappers anyway
Don't link rubikon in modeldoc_utils, I don't think it's needed but we shall see
Remove PhysicsRagdollDef_t
Remove ivconsole_intertool_messages
Remove PhysProfilerTool from vconsole_subtools
Remove IPhysicsFrictionSnapshot
Remove IPhysicsFluidController
Remove junk in physics_shared
Remove vphys2_motioncontroller, we don't use this shit
Initialize m_hSteamListenSocketFakeIp to invalid so we don't get annoying assert when joining servers
Possible fix for access violation in BoneFlagsToBitVec
Remove IsRunningRemoteSession nonsense
Null check in ComputeHierarchyBoneFlags
Possible fix for access violation in CServerSideClientBase::Disconnect
Null check in MarkBoneNeedsInterpolation
Allow voice chat to be played 3d or 2d (default to 3d until we have something in the API to set it)
Possible fix for access violation in CreateAnimGraphInstance, although I suspect it's maybe an error in HAnimationGraph networking support
Refresh wave lines for sound file preview on resize and maybe fix NRE while we're at it