
3,510 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.11cph!

10 Months Ago
Blit cursor into in game recording when not in relative mouse mode
10 Months Ago
Audio samples can be passed to audio frame directly without resampling
10 Months Ago
Resample audio from FLT to FLTP
10 Months Ago
Add audio encoding to video recorder. New in game video recording using ffmpeg instead of media foundation. Delete valve_wmf
10 Months Ago
Send voice level with voice data to server
10 Months Ago
Bump up voip layer volume
10 Months Ago
Add undo scope when creating new reroute
10 Months Ago
Add Reroute to context menu Only show comment and reroute on context menu when there's no search filter
10 Months Ago
ShaderGraph: Fix some nodes causing compile errors when used in vertex shader
10 Months Ago
Decal System (#1114) Move decal system to C# Allows decal definitions to define fade time
10 Months Ago
Remove spammy log in VoiceRead
10 Months Ago
ShaderGraph: Add step option for parameters to control the step size for material editor sliders
10 Months Ago
Fix decal entry defaults not being set Get rid of decal convars and use the fade times from decal definition
10 Months Ago
Helps if i call the right rpc
10 Months Ago
Network moving decals from one ent to another, some games are calling TakeDecalsFrom server side and it wasn't working before
10 Months Ago
Clear the whole decal list if we want to clear both world and entity decals
10 Months Ago
Add fade time and duration to decal definition but don't use it yet because defaults on DecalEntry don't work? Remove r_decal_debug
10 Months Ago
Add IS_DYNAMIC_DECAL | REFLECTS | DOES_NOT_ACCEPT_DECALS flags in case they're needed
10 Months Ago
Delete native decal game system
10 Months Ago
Rewrite decal system in managed Fix decal jittering on skinned meshes
10 Months Ago
ShaderGraph: Fix stage id attribute sometimes not being set
10 Months Ago
Fix mistake in texture attribute
10 Months Ago
ShaderGraph: Initial support for vertex shaders. Some nodes wont be compatible in vertex shader yet.
10 Months Ago
Delete template.shader_c no longer needed. shader_editor.vmat can just use complex, this is just the material to show while shadergraph preview is compiling
10 Months Ago
Search all rigid and skinned decal lists to remove decal
10 Months Ago
Check if scene object has already been deleted in projected decal destructor
10 Months Ago
Only compile shader if at least one compile target succeeded, we probably need to do this for when we compile vulkan
10 Months Ago
Only create shader resource on successful compile
10 Months Ago
VideoPlayer: Support hls input format, defer loaded callback until video width and height is valid
10 Months Ago
ShaderGraph: Do a real shader compile for previews instead of dynamically patching a single pixel shader. This will make vertex shaders possible and gets us ready for vulkan.
10 Months Ago
Only perform queued texture deletion this frame when not in main thread render block
10 Months Ago
Camera origin to bounds center for asset video
10 Months Ago
Destroy raytrace instances on resource status change instead, more reliable
10 Months Ago
Destroy raytrace instances on model deallocation, should fix RemoveInstancedEnv crash
10 Months Ago
Restore main thread render block fix.. looks like this is still needed
10 Months Ago
Video Recorder (#1100) Adds tools only video writer, used for creating asset video thumbnails.
10 Months Ago
Don't change video ext
10 Months Ago
Add codec and container options to config
10 Months Ago
Add target frame rate to VideoWriter.Config
10 Months Ago
Add temp context menu option to dump video thumb to show usage
11 Months Ago
Use VP9 with YUVA420P to encode with alpha
11 Months Ago
Add video thumb rendering to asset preview to test
11 Months Ago
Passing an invalid timestamp will use incremental frame count as the pts
11 Months Ago
Expose video recorder to managed
11 Months Ago
Basic ffmpeg video encoder
11 Months Ago
Impl VideoPlayer.HasAudio
11 Months Ago
Impl VideoPlayer.Muted
11 Months Ago
Fix VideoPlayer.IsPaused flicking on and off when seeking (stream will temporarily unpause when seeking)
11 Months Ago
Fix video player Duration and PlaybackTime
11 Months Ago
Don't create tools triangle list for runtime meshes for now to investigate crash