
3,501 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.11cph!

43 Days Ago
Support heightfield in CPhysicsShape::GetTriangulation
43 Days Ago
Move resize box to world space position before snapping it
43 Days Ago
Protect against invalid transform in CPhysicsBody::AddMeshShape, fixes crash some games are having
44 Days Ago
Bounds checking in izCreateBVH to be safe
44 Days Ago
Order in groups too
44 Days Ago
Use order attribute in component sheet to allow property order
44 Days Ago
Forgot to add mesh icons
44 Days Ago
Add scene mesh tools
44 Days Ago
Remove these editor checks, we want to still update the mesh while playing
44 Days Ago
Polygon mesh and mesh component
46 Days Ago
Add Mesh.TriangulatePolygon to triangulate a polygon without needing a massive library
48 Days Ago
Move primitive builders to Editor.MeshEditor
51 Days Ago
Fix scene asset drag drop not working while an asset is already selected
53 Days Ago
If drag drop trace doesn't hit anything, try hitting grid plane
54 Days Ago
Check for non uniform scale properly
54 Days Ago
Approximate hull for sphere collider when it has non uniform scale
55 Days Ago
Gimzo -> Gizmo
55 Days Ago
Change nudge shortcut to Alt+ (blocks text input otherwise)
55 Days Ago
Build runtime models ray trace objects with mesh collision data, this makes more sense for now and doesn't fuck up triangle order when you want multiple materials
55 Days Ago
Add arrow key nudging to scene menu
55 Days Ago
Add IMaterialSetter for material drops UseRenderMeshes for material drops as they don't care about tags
56 Days Ago
Make these functions more readable
56 Days Ago
Add Rotation.ClosestAxis - Will give you the axis most aligned with the given normal Add Gizmo.Nudge - Will give you a nudge vector along the most aligned left and up axis of the rotation
57 Days Ago
Fix PositionEditorTool not snapping properly in localspace
58 Days Ago
Editor tools can create subtools, move, rotation, scale become subtools
59 Days Ago
Change Gizmo.Contol.BoundingBox to new box resize gizmo because this function isn't being used anymore
2 Months Ago
Create runtime buffers for dynamically created meshes so they can create trace data, allows them to be scene traced
2 Months Ago
Early out of CreateToolsTriangleList when there's no runtime buffers but also assert because ideally this should happen
2 Months Ago
Init frustum as ortho when using ortho, fixes PointToScreenPixels. Obsolete OrthoWidth
2 Months Ago
Adjust size of EnumControlWidget popup to see if that fixes weird position sometimes Also don't add icon button if there's no icon
2 Months Ago
Clear cache body parts on model so that bodygroups in inspector can update properly Add material groups and body parts to their control widget value hashes so they refresh on model reload
2 Months Ago
Add PhysicsBody.AddCylinderShape and PhysicsBody.AddConeShape Add hull collider component to combine multiple hull shapes with selector (box, cone, cylinder)
2 Months Ago
Fix Camera.RenderToTexture incorrect aspect when using ortho, just use ortho height, we don't use ortho width and it should be removed
2 Months Ago
Add SkinnedModelRenderer.AnimationGraph to override animgraph
2 Months Ago
Abs the radius in Gizmo.Draw.LineCylinder so it isn't all fucky
2 Months Ago
Allow multiple ShowIfAttributes, will show property if any of them are true
2 Months Ago
Add SerializedProperty.GetAttributes, will be needed if we want to get multiple attributes
2 Months Ago
Fix triggers activating when collision default is set to ignore
2 Months Ago
Add joint break strengths to modeldoc
2 Months Ago
Support Scene.trace.Body (todo: multi, sweep)
2 Months Ago
Setting SceneModel.AnimationGraph to null resets to model animgraph instead of crashing
2 Months Ago
Fix ColorControlWidget popup not constraining to screen
2 Months Ago
Creating an invalid hull or mesh physics shape will always return a valid shape (tiny sphere) so warn when this happens
2 Months Ago
Title case and remove whitespace when creating new components
2 Months Ago
Add Rigidbody.MassOverride
2 Months Ago
Add plane collider because I'm sick of thin boxes being used for floors
2 Months Ago
Timeline component stores curves for properties, timeline editor edits curves for selected object
2 Months Ago
Add some more safety checks around joint creation
3 Months Ago
Remove joint from broken joint list before it gets deleted
3 Months Ago
Add hit shape to damage info