
4,313 Commits over 1,552 Days - 0.12cph!

1 Year Ago
Add SceneMap class that renders map geometry in a scene world
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Revert changes to ScreenPosition node which made it do something completely different and add common accessors to it (xy, z, w) Add ScreenCoordinate node which is what ScreenPosition was changed into doing
1 Year Ago
Fix typo in split node
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Add cross product node
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Fix selection box staying alive when color pickup popup closes
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Clamp AO, rough, metal, opacity material inputs because anything outside 0-1 has unexpected results (maybe this should be fixed in the material api?)
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Reapply preview material on shader recompile, fixes preview becoming invisible when switching blend mode
1 Year Ago
Fix native texture thumbnail rendering not scaling up (tiny textures wouldn't fill up 256 thumb)
1 Year Ago
Fix NRE that sometimes happens when pasting shader graphs Select all pasted items after they've all been created, some property editors trigger a property changed callback on selection (why?) which causes a recompile, we want to make sure everything is pasted before that happens
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Create reroute node when dropping output while R key is held down
1 Year Ago
Clean up codegen for transform normal node, too messy
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Use dynamic branching for transform normal node in preview mode (instant update of decode normal option)
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Add some preview render options
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Only start selection box when nothing is hovered or selected (shouldn't input propagation be handling this?) Fuck with connection curves to allow for right angles
1 Year Ago
Allow reroute nodes to have comments above them
1 Year Ago
Add keyboard modifiers to GraphicsMouseEvent + Documentation ShaderGraph: First iteration of reroute nodes
1 Year Ago
Don't detect expander press on treeview item press if the item has no children, this was stopping items from being clicked sometimes (very annoying) ShaderGraph: Create node preview when drag dropping from node palette
1 Year Ago
Check compile result is valid before trying to update output handle configs Add some more known input types
1 Year Ago
Don't make screen position node a constant
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Update output handle configs when evaluating nodes so that we never have connections with an unknown color type
1 Year Ago
Add Menu.RemoveOptions and Menu.RemoveMenus (sometimes you want to clear everything but widgets) ShaderGraph: Make the node filter on context menu actually work
1 Year Ago
Fix static output result funcs not being evaluated when evaluating all nodes, causing not all previews to be working
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Ctrl+Spin will rotate the model with the camera, giving the effect of the lights being rotated, similar to what we have in modeldoc
1 Year Ago
Fix bounds on generated sphere
1 Year Ago
Fix uvs on generated sphere
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Fix mistake in texture name cleaning
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Generate tessellated sphere for preview so shaders don't look bumpy and shit
1 Year Ago
Fix GraphicsMouseEvent not telling us which button was released
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Middle mouse button to pan preview camera
1 Year Ago
Fix another shader compile error in combine node when something other than a float is plugged into it
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Color input plugs based on connected type, this is useful for when and input has an unknown type, like multiply
1 Year Ago
Take better care in cleaning name for named constants
1 Year Ago
Remove delete button from node, this isn't as useful as I thought it would be
1 Year Ago
Revert time node, a constant time variable shouldn't serve 5 different functions
1 Year Ago
Make sure user is always notified of graph errors, clear errors on new and open
1 Year Ago
Evaluate all nodes for preview they can be previewed even if they're not part of the graph
1 Year Ago
Make WorldNormal, ScreenPosition, WorldPosition and ViewDirection all previewable
1 Year Ago
Make component outputs of texture node be constant results, no need to make local vars for these Generate preview shader code using our own time attribute so we have control over it Update preview camera in PreFrame so we're not running frame event twice
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Allow node results to be marked as constant so result funcs can return without creating a local variable for it
1 Year Ago
Remove F_TEXTURE_FILTERING in generated shader, not used here
1 Year Ago
Documentation pass for texture and texture coord nodes
1 Year Ago
Property sheet can grow, fixes dodgy layout Give texture node group and subgroup settings
1 Year Ago
Better position of initial result node on new graph Add UI options to branch node
1 Year Ago
Add select all to toolbar
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Add Ctrl+A to select everything in the graph because I keep trying to do it and realizing I haven't added it yet
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Fix input value editor not getting restored when node with connection to it is deleted
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Allow named constants to full customize group and subgroup UI
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Disable tint mask input, isn't used and seems pointless so get rid
1 Year Ago
ShaderGraph: Add mask to texture ext types
1 Year Ago
Move saturate node to transform category + document it