
3,510 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.11cph!

1 Year Ago
Add Hammer.Skybox helper to render skybox in hammer
1 Year Ago
Implement phys_spring Remove the bullshit constraints (phys_constraint, phys_ragdollconstraint, phys_genericconstraint, phys_keepupright - if we ever need these we can implement in a better way)
1 Year Ago
Implement phys_pulleyconstraint
1 Year Ago
Animgraph: Add GetGroupNodeID to ianimnode so we can add the group id to the current path when going to location - fixes clicking warning/error not taking you to the correct node if it's in a group
1 Year Ago
Put shatter_glass and voxel_surface into a destruction category Put func_precipitation into effects category Use tolower on entity category so we don't create multiple categories for same name
1 Year Ago
Implement phys_ballsocket
1 Year Ago
Don't save or load the node manager of subgraph nodes
1 Year Ago
Bail when trying to create group from selection that contains group input or output - warn when they try
1 Year Ago
Animgraph: Add context menu item for creating new subgraph (doesn't do anything yet) Recreate group input/output nodes if you try to delete them, this isn't ideal but grapheditor makes it tricky to protect nodes from getting deleted
1 Year Ago
Animgraph: Move log manager from context to graph, dunno why it was in context in the first place. Fixes warnings and errors not showing up in groups
1 Year Ago
Animgraph: fix some plug edges not getting removed on node refresh, fixes crashes when undoing
1 Year Ago
Clamp light probe debug render attributes to sane values
1 Year Ago
Remove implemented phys entities from MapClass.Native
1 Year Ago
Implement phys_hinge
1 Year Ago
Animgraph: Implement creating group from selection
1 Year Ago
Hammer: Fix PhysicsTypeOverride_Mesh shit not getting set, fixes shatterglass
1 Year Ago
Summaries for constraints
1 Year Ago
Set constraint veclines to empty string so their helper doesn't get set to zero
1 Year Ago
Implement phys_slideconstraint in C#
1 Year Ago
Animgraph: Change group input/output network mode when the group does
1 Year Ago
Animgraph: Fix anim states not getting correct update node for child (same fix for a bunch of other nodes)
1 Year Ago
phys_lengthconstraint attachpoint is vecline
1 Year Ago
Start porting constraint entities, starting with phys_lengthconstraint
1 Year Ago
prop_physics can now spawn models that have multiple bodies with the pose they have in hammer
1 Year Ago
Hammer: Delete the world after the unloaded event - fixes crash when reloading from disk while something is selected in outliner
1 Year Ago
Hammer: support attach to view for hammer meshes
1 Year Ago
remove vr_ from gameinfo default shader name
1 Year Ago
Hammer: Allow key bindings for 2D View Shading modes
1 Year Ago
Don't render debug grid in skybox
1 Year Ago
Rendering for r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid Don't make the debug scene object batchable, fixes lighting not working randomly - fuck knows why Add r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_bbox Add the remaining convars Ball impostors for layla C++ part of ball impostors Merge branch 'light_probe_volume_debug_grid' of sbox into light_probe_volume_debug_grid Fix compile Previous commit stomped all my changes Add adjustable roughness and metalness configuraiton to lpv debug grid Merge branch 'light_probe_volume_debug_grid' of sbox into light_probe_volume_debug_grid Fix some shading problems hook up metalness and roughness convars Fix sphere reflection, add smooth fade Hook up r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_albedo Update vertex buffer if r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_prim changes so we can support cube prims too Use sample size instead of scale so we can use the convar Destroy vertex buffers when convar is disabled Add sample size as shader attribute Merge branch 'light_probe_volume_debug_grid'
1 Year Ago
Add sample size as shader attribute
1 Year Ago
Destroy vertex buffers when convar is disabled
1 Year Ago
Use sample size instead of scale so we can use the convar
1 Year Ago
Update vertex buffer if r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_prim changes so we can support cube prims too
1 Year Ago
Hook up r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_albedo
1 Year Ago
hook up metalness and roughness convars
1 Year Ago
Previous commit stomped all my changes
1 Year Ago
Add the remaining convars
1 Year Ago
Add r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_bbox
1 Year Ago
Don't make the debug scene object batchable, fixes lighting not working randomly - fuck knows why
1 Year Ago
Rendering for r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid
2 Years Ago
Update animgraph help text for group nodes
2 Years Ago
Animgraph: Remove connection from node if the output was removed
2 Years Ago
Animgraph: Fix nodes not updating properly when modifying attributes
2 Years Ago
Animgraph groups (#221)
2 Years Ago
ModelDoc: Report compile errors for ikchain and ikchainjoint when bone doesn't exist, fixes crashes
2 Years Ago
Add subgraph asset type Add type manager for subgraph
2 Years Ago
Override transfer post save/load functions so we can do our own shit for subgraph
2 Years Ago
subgraphanimnode derives from groupanimnode as they're basically the same thing
2 Years Ago
Add stubs for subgraphanimnode (this is just groupanimnode, just not loaded/saved from asset yet)