664 Commits over 1,402 Days - 0.02cph!
Citizen/humans: couple of minor fixes (sprint input framerates, noclip start delta fix on humans)
First person: move FireModeSelectAnim weightlists into prefabs
Humans/animgraph: added Sprint_NW & Sprint_NE
Humans: small tweak to Sprint_N + export the copy of the graph assigned to Humans
Humans/animgraph: added Sprint_N (+ temp derived NE/NW)
Delete citizen_2023-03-06.fbx
Humans: improved WalkFast_N
Humans: renamed source files from "Human_Male" to "Human" + split off Run_N into gendered variants
Humans: add temporary intercardinal movement animations derived from offset cardinal directions + use new mixed animgraph setup
Citizen/animgraph: fixed broken crouch states (oops)
Citizen/animgraph: add character_type enum & branches so that Citizen & Humans can use the same animgraph. Ongoing work.
Humans: convert Citizen animations on the ModelDoc side rather than graph side
Humans: port over more animations from the Citizen set
Citizen/animgraph: added 'static_pose' int parameter — set to '1' to display the A-pose but with open eyes. To be used when rendering item thumbnails.
Humans: added CrouchWalk_E & CrouchWalk_W
Humans: disabled AO proxy nodes now that AO proxy support has been removed
Citizen/animgraph: tweaked wish-based locomotion layers to account for the new usage of the skid layer
Temporarily comment skid lines out in MoveMode while they're not accounting for the latest changes to the parameters
Citizen/animgraph: flipped order of compositing operations in skidding to fix arms pose (wish_*-based flailing comes after addition) + rewrote and updated some comments around the graph
Citizen/animgraph: reworked the skid parameters. Values are normalized. 'skid' (0,1) should now be only purely derived from 'skid_x' & 'skid_y' (-1,1) and would be a function of distance from center in their 2D blendspace. Made the layer into a model-space additive.
Citizen: disabled AO proxy nodes now that AO proxy support has been removed
Humans: skinning updates
Humans: more skinning updates & prefab changes
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Humans: added citizen_human_female_staging.vmdl
Humans: copy ring fingers onto pinky fingers while we're still reusing Citizen animations — avoids the "tea cup" look
Humans: added CrouchWalk_S
Humans: improved CrouchWalk_N (and increased its speed to 85 u/s)
Humans: add menu anims (same as Citizen)
Humans: added Run_S & Run_W
Humans: recover deleted staging files
Recovered 2 files that were deleted by commit 1d291f07bb4f2bb4bfec48765b2d640894441796
Humans: re-enabled automatic citizen-to-human animation hack for now while proper animations are being worked on
Citizen/animgraph: added b_firstperson parameter; intended to be used when showing the body in first-person view while looking down
Citizen/animgraph: removed several unused parameters + skid now relies on 2 new parameters, skid_x/skid_y, instead of move_x/move_y
Citizen/animgraph: improve look & feel of turning while moving
https://files.facepunch.com/maxlebled/1b0111b1/2024-11-01%2005-08-50.mp4 (NB: this video has several of the parameters non-functional due to the current state of the physics-based player controller, so it's not a complete picture, but it does show off this specific improvement)
Humans: brand-new data sets for hitboxes, physics joints, and physics shapes + improved WalkFast_E + added WalkFast_W
Humans: reworked WalkFast_N
Humans: fixed compile errors
Citizen/animgraph: improved turn poses (and enabled them) as well as standing shuffle
Humans: remove animation-processing VMDL prefab instances living under currently disabled nodes, to work around issue #1681
Humans: added WalkFast_E + NE/SE (roughs)
Citizen/animgraph: make scale_height not bouncy anymore
Humans: hook up an extremely basic animgraph so the model stops exploding if you try to use it
Human: normalize movement animation root speed to 80 u/s across animations + lower new constraint weights slightly
Humans: improved existing movement animations
Humans: same fix as Citizen + lower the weight of ShoulderToBicep constraints to account for the "bicep bulges" contributing to the situation... and also because it just looks better
Citizen: fixed incorrectly nested nodes in the AnimConstraintList prefab because ModelDoc doesn't know how to properly manage a folder of nodes being drag-and-dropped between VMDLs and prefabs
Human: added constraints on biceps that makes the lower part of arms subtly rotate away as the arms bend, similar to what happens with legs + various misc. things (anims, fixes...)
Human: lots of updates, see commit comment
• 2 walk animations & default idle poses
• Same prefab changes as Citizen
• Now accounting for limbs being slightly twisted in bindPose unlike Citizen — this 'unbiases' the constraints so there's practically no change in the resting pose
• Added constraints that slightly pivot leg_upper_X_twist1 upwards as the leg bends; this makes the lower part of thighs 'bulge up' a bit, which complements the "poor man's RBF" kneecap constraints, and improves the look at extreme bend angles (crouching, etc.)
Delete old human male.vmdl
Citizen: renamed movement process prefabs for consistency, merged neck_clothing into animconstraintlist
Human/citizen: more "prefabization" & poor man's RBF backport to Citizen