15 Commits over 59 Days - 0.01cph!
Code review fixes
Remove generator implementation of GetEnumerator in BufferList and ListHashSet (returns boxed enumerator struct instead)
Fix PersistentPlayer so it pools and is cached (used for blueprints)
Get rid of allocations in NetworkQueueList.Clear
Better implementation of GetEnumerator for BufferList<T> and ListHashSet<T> to get rid of enumerator allocations
Genericized List.Compare so it can take advantage of specialized enumerators instead of boxing them
Subtract the changes back to life
Implement NetWrite.Read and NetWrite.ReadByte so demo recording works
Merge main -> random_opt_2
Fix bug in NetWrite.EnsureCapacity where it might not expand the buffer enough
Facepunch.Steamworks bug fix + Steamworks SDK 1.51 upgrade
Experimental Facepunch.Steamworks build that uses SendMessages with pooling instead of SendMessageToConnection
SQLite 3.34.0 for Mac (thanks lewis)
NetWrite rewrite to reduce overhead
Use cached node lookups in TechTreeData
Upgrade to SQLite 3.34.0 (need someone else to build for macOS though)
Facepunch.Sqlite changes to remove most allocations