
289 Commits over 2,496 Days - 0.00cph!

1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Fix a crash with DListView fractional column width Fixes garrysmod-issues/issues/5334
1 Year Ago
Improve string.JavascriptSafe Update mainmenu.lua
1 Year Ago
Prop Spawn effect doesn't break other RenderOverrides
1 Year Ago
Remove extra unused arguments to prevent confusion
1 Year Ago
Make NPC vs NPC killicon consistent with NPC vs Player
1 Year Ago
Update language files Fix vehicle collision group post dupe Group NPC weapons by category makes easier to see what's what Added "Select Page" button to addons menu Server Browser changes Infinite scroll, "Outdated" now uses network version Derma_Install_Convar_Functions no longer ties to set empty cvars Fixed a visual bug with Lua error panel in Problems menu Post PR cleanups
1 Year Ago
Fixed collision bounds of custom Sandbox NPCs Fixed collision bounds of custom Sandbox NPCs with uppercase characters in model name
1 Year Ago
Fixed an error when dupe-spawning admin only NPCs without player obj
1 Year Ago
Delete progressbar.lua It is unused
1 Year Ago
Resolve my oopsie
1 Year Ago
IsAdmin bypasses for singleplayer So that badly behaving addons that override IsAdmin cannot screw with basic functionality in singleplayer Adjust spawn offsets for HL ents Less likely to be outside of the map this way Save cookies on game shutdown Spawnmenu does not try to run empty console commands Search maps by addon name main menu fixes Addon conflict problem menu stuff Make sure spawned ents/weps are not out of the map
2 Years Ago
Update mainmenu.lua Flash game window on loading finish hook.Add checks for nil hook ident Sandbox tool fixes Sandbox save system improvements Fixed a regression with string.Comma Update DIconLayout: Fix border being counted twice for LEFT content alignment
2 Years Ago
Fixed an issue with halo not resetting color of pp/copy
2 Years Ago
Update language files Persistence system changes Fixed a crash with DListView and made other improvements to it Fixed a few server lag exploits Implemented Steam chat filter Update faceposer.lua Reset spawnmenu search cache when mounted content changes Hoverball enabled/disabled state improvements
2 Years Ago
Renamed math.DistToSqr to math.DistanceSqr More logical/consistent with math.Distance Fixed MarkupObject:Draw's new argument not working without MaxWidth being set
2 Years Ago
Try using the new UI functions in Sandbox tools Cleanup net.lua
2 Years Ago
minor style change
2 Years Ago
Moved DForm.ToolPresets and DForm.KeyBinder to ControlPanel panel The panels those functions create are Sandbox gamemode exclusive Less error prone tool panel creation string.JavascriptSafe escapes ` Minor cleanups in menu state Added Permissions viewer TTT uses new permissions.EnableVoiceChat
3 Years Ago
Fixed a potential error in duplicator tool
3 Years Ago
Problems system improvements Code style cleanups Lowercase model name in PropSelect for sorting purposes This simply matches behavior of the "old" method which ends up with lowercase keys.
3 Years Ago
Fixed duplicator and saves not working Fixed an issue with constraint.GetAllConstrainedEntities Fixed constraint.GetAllConstrainedEntities returning all entities constrained to world if the given entity is constrained to world
3 Years Ago
Added g_SpawnMenu:GetCreationMenu() Added CreationMenu.GetCreationTab & GetCreationTabs Added spawnmenu.SwitchCreationTab( id ) Made spawnmenu.SwitchToolTab work Added 3rd argument to spawnmenu.ActivateToolPanel Save game map workshopID stuff Adds duplicator.FigureOutRequiredAddons Required Workshop addons for duplicator
3 Years Ago
Fixed a Lua error with DTree_Node DComboBox's dropdown works better on modal panels Disallowed Shadow shader to be used as rope material
3 Years Ago
Fixed DownloadingFile in loading screens duplicator copies lua-set colors and material override Fixed 0 width constrains creating errors Fixed Lua errors with default scoreboard Prevent 2 or more players from 'driving' a single entity Make use of IsConCommandBlocked Makes blocked concommand errors include proper stack. Fixed duplicated constraints not getting correct player obj
3 Years Ago
Voice scale support for base/sandbox Improvement to dupe bounding box world constraints fix colored ropes support More accurate bounding box for dupes Permissions & "remember my choice"
3 Years Ago
Updated killfeed translations Fixed visual issues with Spawnmenu's Save/Dupe icons Removed the "Ping < 60" server rank adjustment New detectable problems Description for local dupes/saves/demos Addon menu improvements "Select all" works as expected when there's an active filter Floating addons can no longer be selected Fixed a JS error when disabling/enabling selected addons Added addon count to the filter menu NEXTBOT:OnTakeDamage Removed physgun freeze hack for jeeps This is done in-engine now Fixed a small issue with duplicator library Line 67 More responsive controls for "noclip" Drive properly Bounding box for currently active dupe in Duplicator tool
3 Years Ago
Fixed Lua error in Hoverball tool Fixed regression with gamemode search DNumSlider text color adjustments Default values for Super DOF sliders Added ability to clear Lua errors per category/group Added ability to clear Lua errors per category/group in the Problems menu Minor tweaks to the Problems panel Do not complain about dxlevel 90
3 Years Ago
SpawnIcon Re-Render all fix Removed debug output from one of the Problem fixes Limited sv_loadingurl to http(s) Fixed Lua errors when searching addons using special symbols Server Browser improvements Made the "Future version" tag less visually prominent Fixed up positioning of the inverse filter buttons for gm categories Made the flag filters be per gamemode, not global, to avoid confusion and prevent "soft locking" the filters Improvements to UGC thumbnails Increased the size of the checkbox for addon sub selection, added some spacing for the addon name on the thumb to avoid accidental clicks when aiming for the checkboxes. gmsave system improvements Force disable point_viewcontrol entities on save load to avoid softlocking Fixed loading a save from main menu not restoring the player position Updated default checkbox style for Awesomium Yucky fix, but the visuals now match modern Chromium and scale properly. Added ENT:GetSoundInterests Adjusted invisible physgun beam prevention
3 Years Ago
Added 2 new arguments to CanTool hooks Fixed Lua errors when gm_loading map crated phys_magnet Stack for ErrorNoHalts in numpad library Slider notch color improvements Added DSlider.Set/GetNotchColor Added SKIN.colNumSliderNotch DNumSlider now colors the notches and the DTextEntry text to match the slider label Improved slider notch rendering Ensure all notches have at least 1 pixel between each other Fixed the last notch not rendering for sliders with a range that isn't a whole number
3 Years Ago
Fixed addon subcategory pagination Added 'extended' to default Derma fonts
3 Years Ago
Minor optimization with the PlayerWeaponColor matproxy Fixed an issue with resizing drag'n'dropped spawnicons It was trying to relayout the container the icon was initially created on, no the container the icon is currently in Update vgui_showlayout.lua
3 Years Ago
Fix for the motor tool's torque axis garrysmod-issues/issues/4882 Server flag filters and minor visual improvements Also fixed unreachable servers being filtered out by default filter values Hopefully improved performance of map icon loading Only loads the current page, not all pages
3 Years Ago
New Server Browser features Gamemode categories Server flags Outdated flags More filters/sorting options Changes to Problems button in menu state Minor changes Fixed beta branch/version text link in the main menu Added new string for Any/All aspect ratio
3 Years Ago
Problems tab for the Problems menu + Localization Fixed brushes not being target-able by properties point_template entity translation for kill feed making sure all lua files are identical between github and plastic Fixed "Disable sprays" being unclickable sometimes Due to it being covered up by the label above it Improved performance of translation system in main menu Fixed a typo in code
3 Years Ago
Default binds for M4 and M5 keys Example Hammer sprinkle definition
3 Years Ago
Added Panel.Get/SetX/Y and changed Panel.Center to use them Fixes garrysmod-issues/issues/4857
3 Years Ago
Fix my oopsie
3 Years Ago
Added the Problems panel New features to Browse > Addons and Games in Spawnmenu New Right click options - Open on Workshop and Create Spawnlist Both Addons and Games now reload when game content is remounted Nicer error handling for Browse > Addons Fixed a bug with DTree_Node when MakeFolder was called on a node whose parent is expanded, forcing the user to collapse and re-expand the parent node for the folder to populate
3 Years Ago
Only save preset groups that changed Fix blacklist case sensitivity Added DTree_Node.OnNodeAdded & GetExpanded Pagination does not disappear when errors happen on page 2+ For addons/dupes/saves/demos/etc Workshop download progress UI improvements Just minor tweaks and removal of useless arguments Main menu tweaks for tiny screens All the buttons now fit on tiny screens and improved the mountable games menu to hopefully prevent questions. Added duplicate controls for NPCs to the NPC tab This should ensure people don't miss these options.
3 Years Ago
Maintain nicer sorting for numbers in DListView column sorting Fixes garrysmod-issues/issues/4850
3 Years Ago
Fixed exploits to do with the main menu
3 Years Ago
Remove base_ai comment that is not true Fixed spawnmenu tabs erroring due to content w/ no category Use the new undo.AddFunction feature for Statue property Added DProperty_Entity Also made util.StringToType work with "entity" type Editable Entity UI (DProperties) now supports the same UI type names as the DTVar type names. i.e. you can now use "Bool" instead of "Boolean" in Entity:NetworkVar() "Edit" table, etc DTextEntry deletes its suggestions DMenu if the textentry is deleted Deleted auto-sent files from lua/send.txt Main menu maps optimization No longer refreshes the map list multiple times a per "mounted content changed" event, so it should be faster Added callback to gmsave.LoadMap Useful for mods that want something to happen only after all the entities are placed Allow SpawnmenuContentPanel to switch to NULL panel Do not error when SpawnmenuContentPanel:SwitchPanel() is called with an invalid panel. Minor clean ups that don't deserve their own commit
3 Years Ago
Fixed default faceposer presets Changes to base_ai sound script changes Slots 7-0 in Options HL2 credits so that they work in gmod Update send.txt Fixed faceposer UI getting filled when changing targets Preset editor improvements handles different cAsInG of convars and missing preset convars Empty rope material Lua error fix Server browser favorites change addon list invalid state changes getmaps.lua optimisations
3 Years Ago
Noclip drive type for cameras Added Jump and Crouch bind actions to the default drive types Got rid of the weird 40 HU 3rd person view from noclip drive type Removed incorrect arguments from render.DrawSprite calls Spawnmenu handles screen resolution changes in-game better Removed dead wiki links Loading screen fixes Fixed Lua errors when default usergroups file is missing Also cleaned up the file Fixed DListView Lua errors when sorting mixed types Fixed Lua errors with Spawnicons when Paint is overwritten Create OptionsSubAudio.res Adds volume_sfx slider Adds OnRequestFullUpdate serverside gameevent
3 Years Ago
Disable sprays button in options New language strings halo lib no longer renders nodraw entities improvements to ArmDupe's net.receive
3 Years Ago
Addendum to PR#1745 PlayerSpawn* hooks should consistently no longer receive NULL players gm_spawnvehicle no longer errors when used in srcds console Fixed serverside console spam with Paint tool Added current map/server name/gamemode to loading screen Followed and Favorite sectiosn to Dupes/Saves/Demos Fixes for -noworkshop message in main menus Workshop addon filesizes in Addons menu Also replace "local floating" with a more clear "non workshop .gma addon" Followed/Favorite sections to spawnmenu Dupes/Saves too Unreachable Servers sections in server list some feedback for players, instead of just a blank screen gui.OpenURL/askconnect confimration dialog changes DComboBox updates its color properly SetEnabled was one of the issues
3 Years Ago
Fixed not being able to unfocus text entries Added PLAYER.MaxArmor to player class system More sane maximum value for thrusters Avoids crashing issues Added mp_falldamage to Sandbox start new game Fixed skins not updating when their parent changes skin Fixed gui.OpenURL's popup not working well with modal panels Fixed whereis for floating .gma files Improvements to DMenu while parented to modal panel DProperties better handles missing control types Fixed 2 bugs with ENT:TriggerOutput 1. It was ignoring the Source's internal IO queue 2. There was a bug where auto deleting any outputs due to limited amount of fires would cause certain outputs to no longer work
4 Years Ago
Fixed spawnmenu not properly loading addon sub spawnlists Addon preset resub option Also aligned checkbox labels in New game Fixed DNumberScratch's OnValueChanged being fired when value wasn't changed