
289 Commits over 2,496 Days - 0.00cph!

4 Years Ago
Fixed DTree_Node:ExpandRecurse erroring
4 Years Ago
Delete media folder There's nothing in here useful Updated language files Undo ClearDepth from modelpanel Removed debug stuff from command.lua oops DrawModel( flags ) stuff Fixed hoverball/light/lamp/thruster effects Also removed a bunch of unused variables, etc, shuffled code around, fixed a potential error with thruster effects IconEditor Lua error fix spawnmenu_reload Changing skins/BGs of a spawnicon triggers spawnlist change Fingerposer improvements New background image, scales better with custom tool panel width, holding SHIFT should now make it easier to position fingers Localizations for workshop downloads Addon presets, sorting, invalid addons in the list, and child addon popup Hide news in main menu Light tool rope attachment position adjustment Fixed workshop gamemode download buttons not appearing in serverbrowser
4 Years Ago
Fixed tabulation on some HTML files
4 Years Ago
Vehicle exit anim 3rd person anim no longer sit good english yes Better default keys for Lamp & Light tool Saves/Dupes tabs resize properly UGC Pagination improvements Better handing of small screens for HTML UGC menus Minor under the hood changes for addons menu Hoverball tool improvements Better defaults new feature: Toggle on/off keybind Better placement with the toolgun Better rendering of the effects Added "Strength" to tooltip of the entity Added delay to Dynamite's tooltip
4 Years Ago
Visual fixes for DSlider and DNumberScratch Better Orbit code for DAdjustableModelPanel Playback speed for Spawnmenu IconEditor Fixed race condition error with HTML spawnmenu tabs Content icon fixes - translate None weapon & color_white Derma skin related changes Force all panels to refresh skins when a new skin is registered Do not force all panels to refresh skins when setting skin on a panel DTooltip inherits derma skin from the panel it is opened for metproxy hack for mega grav gun Removed usage of SendLua from the undo library Improvements to preventing props spawning inside world Also fixes for SWEP undoing, disallow doing that if weapon is already picked up, added cleanup, fixed translations for SENT/SWEP cleanups
4 Years Ago
Hammer model picker UI fixes Arming large dupes now works Changes to Light tool's minimum brightness Translations for Unfreeze and Undo tips Added ENT.IconOverride to allow overriding spawnmenu icons Merge branch 'master' of garrysmod
4 Years Ago
Color( ... ) to color where possible and similar things Hopefully nothing broke in the process Disabled DToolTip skin inheritance this is temporary Fix for wheel indicator angle This fix is ugly AF, I am sorry Fixed TOOL.ServerConVar not doing anything Presets for Weld and Camera tools Copy to clipboard for Playermodel Selector Fixed draw.RoundedBox(Ex) corner overflow Fixed DNumberScratch text overflow kinda meh fix, probably should've used the texture tiling thing from derma skins for the background DTextEntry.OnGetFocus is called when focus is actually got
4 Years Ago
Added localized badge
4 Years Ago
new language stuff DModelPanel clears depth automatically Fixes visual artifacts but may cause issues with stencils fingers crossed there will be none DCollapsibleCategory now can customize its headersize properly And DCollapsibleCategory works better with derma skins Thruster sound changes Makes it reliable to ensure the sound stops when it needs to. Fixed NPCData.Weapons not counting as valid weapons Fixed Lost Coast's fisherman not having his harpoon "Spawn with weapon" feature for NPCs in the spawnmenu Many fixes for custom spawnlist stuff auto refresh no longer breaks saving/restoring it no longer auto selects hidden spawnlists other minor fixes/improvements
4 Years Ago
Fixed TTT fgd crashing Hammer when used with Half-Life 2 fgd
4 Years Ago
Spawnmenu handles no spawnlists much better Added DTree_Node.GetChildNodes and GetChildNodeCount
4 Years Ago
DTooltip now inherits derma skin of the panel it is opened for
4 Years Ago
Better solution for DMenu skin inheritance
4 Years Ago
Make Statue saves via duplicator Also fixed the missing language string "Gravity" property saves via duplicator Get rid of debug thing from errors.lua Fixed NextBot gestures playing at 2x intended speed Removed Toeque Limit from Ballsocket tool as it did nothing Fixed Camera tool tracking players incorrectly Manhack Welder SWEP error checking Removed duplicate DImageButton:SetMaterial DMenu sub menus now inherit parent's derma skin DMenuOption's text has the same inset regardless if it has an icon or not 32 comes from DButton's PerformLayout, assuming icon size is 16x16 Fixed a regression with DScrollPanel
4 Years Ago
New text label language string
4 Years Ago
Added new nextbot hooks Fixed direct calls to :PerformLayout() part 1 Fixed direct calls to :PerformLayout() part 2 These may cause issues, but shouldn't though Minor adjustment to usage of Panel.GetChildrenInRect Motor's force limit is now functional Minor OnLuaError usage changes Just adding a new argument for future use Right click on emtpy spawnlist space to add a new label Hopefully fixed spawnlists sometimes gettiing corrupted Issue is, GetChildren() doesn't always return children in order they were added, which causes massive issues with how DTileLayoyt expects the data. ZPos seems to solve this issue for us. Hopefully this means that the rare instance of spawnlist icon positions getting randomly garbled up when moving stuff around should now be fixed.
4 Years Ago
Added DLabelEditable.Set/GetAutoStretch, defaults to false Spawnmenu labels stretch to the text that is being entered
4 Years Ago
Fixed IP blacklist Clamped pp_stereoscopy_size to reasonable values Better main menu background error handing Fixed alpha related issues with DColorMixer DNumberWang.OnValueChanged only runs if value actually changed Let anim SENTs decide their rendergroup automagically Improved random walk for npc_tf2_ghost If people copy, at least copy something decent Thruster smoke effect fixes Only display CSS models for Thrusters if CSS is mounted What are those models even doing here?
4 Years Ago
Fixed pressing enter in tool search collapsing all categories Fixed wheel ghost spazzing out on moving objects Prop spawn effect for 5 tools Cleaned up PR #1633 Fixed wheel ghost floating above aim pos unexpectedly Thruster fixes & effect improvements Fixed updating of the sound effect while the thruster is active Thruster frees its emitter(s) properly All thruster effects better conform to the thruster model smoke effect now acts more like smoke and more like a thruster effect Removed weird and unused code from Wheel Indicator effect
4 Years Ago
Physgun halo works on effects as one would expect Added script_conditions killfeed translation Appears on HL2Ep2 maps DHorizDivider resizes all panels with same cookie name An experiment for the spawnmenu tabs Prevent main menu from showing the same BG image back to back Fix potential Lua errors in RenderSpawnIcon_ functions Fixed Entity.NetworkVarElement not saving properly Stop searching for servers if player exits the server browser Minor adjustment to server blacklist stuff A little icon for when a weapon is selected as NPC wep override
4 Years Ago
You can try to join full servers again Merge branch 'master' of garrysmod
4 Years Ago
Added missing Stalker NPC sound scripts Footstep sound changes Better Rubber footstep (doesn't cutoff while sprinting with loud clicks), chainlink footsteps are a bit queter now. Funfact - soundscript volume doesn't do anything for step sounds Stanley Parable soundscripts inclusion We don't ship those files, but load them if they are mounted by the player. The soundscapes file is not a mistake. Serverbrowser improvements/fixes Don't bother allowing players to join full servers, they just gonna get kicked. Subtract bots from maxplayers too Fixed a rare JS error
4 Years Ago
NPC weapons are now sorted alphabetically Also no dupes and switched the text ot use "localized" stuff Also fixed some localizations SuperDOF window repositions itself on screen size change Prevents it from "disappearing" and soft locking the game ENT:OnChangeActivity for base_ai Extra killicons for prop like objects Added GM:CanArmDupe Trim sbox_persist value Extra spaces no longer cause issues of props not saving or loading Clientside Sandbox settings Also added freeze/unfreeze effects to physgun settings Weapons that are NPCUsable are marked in spawnmenu
4 Years Ago
Fix up PR#1623 This happens EVERY TIME * Call the hook after undo Owner fix * Apply the Owner fix to undonum * CanUndo only gets the last undo in CC_UndoLast, not the whole table
4 Years Ago
get rid of the unnecessary whitespace
4 Years Ago
Use GetText over GetValue for OnEnter
4 Years Ago
dtextentry: pass the current value through OnEnter (#1576) idk why this wasn't a thing before Co-authored-by: Nathan S <>
4 Years Ago
Mass resize/re-render in spawnmenu Delete physics of Toolgun ghosts Disable "drive" option for jeeps Replacement HTML for gui.OpenURL w/out Steam Overlay Fixed Overlay and Motion Blur not working with "poster" well Fixed 1px gap with certain settings of Toy Town effect
4 Years Ago
Infinite backgrounds
4 Years Ago
Server browser improvements & fixes Fixed gamemode search only searching the "folder name" of the gamemode Moved certain code to the file it belongs in Anonymous servers get ranking penalty and their players do not count towards gamemode's ranking Right clicking or mwheel clicking a server copies its IP & SteamID
4 Years Ago
Read only stuff for Props tab Increased "Save Changes" button width for localization Fixed gmod_hands sometimes floating near map origin Not a perfect fix but at least they don't float no more ENT:StoreOutput works for 2015+ Source maps (Hopefully) More self explanatory persistence text Apparently a lot of people doesn't know how this works or that it exists CollapsibleCategory header has a symbol when collapsed so people know its collapsed and not just empty Duplicator lib is less prone to fail when getting errors Encountering errors while pasting constraints should no longer stop mid pasting and create "un-undo-able" duplications Fixed a crash exploint using NoCollide tool Merged from x64 branch, apparently the fix was there for a while Increased Notifications font for localized text It was actually unreadable in Russian before Fixed certain Utilities panels breaking with spawnmenu_reload Fixed Undo & Cleanup panels in Utilities becoming blank after spawnmenu_reload controlpanel.Get will no longer return panels that are about to be deleted (in the next frame)
4 Years Ago
Update constraint.lua
4 Years Ago
Added SetTooltipPanelOverride Toolmenu filters expand categories
4 Years Ago
Constraint lib minor fixes & improvements Updates "constraints" var on the constraint system when it matters Fixed constraint.Pulley comparing one of its arguments to a global Fixed constraint.Hydraulic's 4th retval always being nil Removed reduntant usage of GetTable() Rid of some unused locals
4 Years Ago
notification.AddProgress upgrades notification.AddProgress now has an optional 3rd argument - fraction - 0 to 1 value overriding the progress bar animation to show a desired value Adjusted visuals for notification.AddProgress & made them truly infinite Added a 3rd argument to search.GetResults (optional) Create OptionsSubVoice.res sbox_search_maxresults & other search improvements Added sbox_search_maxresults Spawnmenu search prop indexer now uses notification.AddProgress over the old blue progress bar ".mdl" part of models paths is no longer being searched Having your spawnmenu closed during search will automatically update search results next time you open it
4 Years Ago
FOF spawnpoint ents FOF maps category Read only ContentHeader no longer editable Use correct rendermode/groups and use actual enums
4 Years Ago
Spawnmenu UI improvements Translated right click menus for Tools in spawnlists & multiselection right click menu (Community) Tool search in spawnlists now works with localization Spawnicons and spawnlist tools now obey read only parents (such as spawnlist Search) Post Processing icons can now be deleted from spawnlists
4 Years Ago
gmod_language for loading screen
4 Years Ago
Main menu fixes/changes Main menu no longer errors if we failed to load API manifest or its fields changed Blacklisted servers display why they were blacklisted in console
4 Years Ago
weapon_base doesn't error in NPC hands
4 Years Ago
Fixed iconless notifications making errors OOPSIE
4 Years Ago
Fixed NPCs floating Sandbox hints don't show with Camera wep Fixed errors with drag'n'drop Fixes new spawnlist headers erroring Fixed "Make Persistent" option appearing when its disabled Fixed "Make Persistent" option appearing when Persistence is disabled Made sbox_godmode work in singleplayer Clearly tell player which options are MP only Tools can be used on non vphysics brushes You can place buttons on gm_construct mirror and white room, etc. spawnmenu right click menu fixes Fixed unselected icon right click menus changing when anything has been selected in the spawnmenu Translated right click menu for spawnlist headers
4 Years Ago
Update .gitignore Spawnmenu resizing saves And changes to make it usable on stupidly low resolutions drag'n'drop selection changes map categories changes spawnlist revert feature DefaultUnderline font changes Also increased width of dropdown in mutliplayer tab to fit the "no workshop downloads" option Updated language files GameUI has the multiplayer tab additions
4 Years Ago
Updated language files Fixed Snarks not attacking sometimes Read only drag'n'drop stuff You can only copy from readonly drag'n'drop panels. Used for Weapons/NPCs/Entities tabs in the spawnmenu to prevent ability to delete icons and have to resort to restarting the map to get them back
4 Years Ago
Update usermessage.lua Formatting changes to match the rest of the files
4 Years Ago
Fix SendUserMessage error when calling clientside (#1626) * Fix SendUserMessage error when calling clientside Though all this is deprecated, the function still shouldn't error when called from the client. I also removed the ``SERVER`` check inside ``usermessage.Hook`` since it never passed due to ``SERVER`` not being localised before the module call. * Update usermessage.lua
4 Years Ago
Optimized player.GetBy* functions in player.lua (#1628) * Update player.lua * Update player.lua * Update player.lua Style changes.
4 Years Ago
config_default.cfg reworked (#1632) - Removed `spawnmenu_icon_precache` because it is not a valid command; - Modified the `mp_decals` to the value of `2048` to equal the value of `r_decals` (`r_decals` gets resetted everytime you launch the game, so setting `r_decals` to `5000` will get its value back to `2048` when you relaunch the game, while `mp_decals` still with the value of `5000` because `mp_decals` it is stored in the `config.cfg` file, while `r_decals` is not, and to make both equal, here is the solution); - Modified the value of the `sensitivity` command to the value of `6` instead of `8`.
4 Years Ago
Offline workshop changes Necessary to display addons names and not error
4 Years Ago
Switched icon editor to sliders for skins/bg Delete closecaption files They are pointless here volume to loading screen Co-Authored-By: Nurdism <> DisableClipping restores to oldstate garrysmod-issues/issues/4375