
299 Commits over 2,496 Days - 0.00cph!

4 Days Ago
CSS file clean ups Minor changes Fixed Combine Soldiers with Shotguns having their skin reset (Sandbox) Create spawnlists from addons easily Main menu server browser additions * "Join when not full" option * Ability to add servers to favorites by IP
4 Days Ago
Move some hardcoded values of weapon_fists to SWEP.* variables Closes garrysmod/pull/1980 Co-Authored-By: code_gs <>
13 Days Ago
Update base.fgd Update Minor fixes via LuaLS Deprecated function fixes, type mismatches, extra unused arguments, etc. Convar descriptions Fixed NPC related kill achievements Prevent tiny amounts of damage (< 0.1) taking a whole armor point Fixed inflator tool not working on NPCs (Regression from #1890) Improvements to Spawnicon Editor Convenience buttons to rotate the model, set LOD to highest. Fixed addon presets not importing correctly DCategoryCollapse disabled state visual support Fixed depth issues with DModelPanel when 2+ are overlayed Fixes and changes regarding "Demo To Video" functionality Fix Lua errors when Spawnicon context menu is used after icon removal Visually disable server disabled Sandbox tools Permission system related UI improvements
46 Days Ago
46 Days Ago
func_tanklaser sound fix PropSelect:AddModel throws error on invalid input Added more portal entities to the spawn menu Updated effects library Fixed effects changing their entity table if accessed too soon. Added the "trace" debug console command Added NPCData.SnapToNormal Make npc_security_camera duplicatable
53 Days Ago
TTT: Use new game.CleanUpMap argument
53 Days Ago
Fixed text of game_text being cut off if too long Use string.StartsWith over StartWith Fixed regression with duplicated NPC being forced to drop to the ground Whip out Paint tool when selecting a decal Prevent errors with IconEditor and DAdjustableModelPanel with no entity Fixed problem counter not updating when problems are fired too early Adjustments to fallback main menu Enable asset:// for loading screens Fixed a bug with markup library Allow constraint.Keepupright on more entities Fixed a regression with Entity:NetworkVar Minor cleanups Added DMenuOption radio setting Fixed DMenuOption:SetChecked not calling OnChecked Read-Only file problem handling Allow right clicking in Bodygroup/Skin entity properties CreationMenu validates the panel it wants to parent to Workarounds around game.CleanUpMap() due to bad addons
2 Months Ago
More linter base fixes Removed DColorMixer:TranslateValues Removed useless calls to table.Copy in DListView More robust Elastic value calculations, does not rely on integers for boolean inputs Removed usage of some deprecated functions
2 Months Ago
Minor code fixes via LuaLS diagnostics It's mostly usage of non existent globals or function arguments Fixed a regression with env_sky + other editors inherit map values now MInor adjustments "Server" menu bar option Making those settings more visible to the average player. Also made all the options grayed out consistently with their ability to function at a given moment Don't record certain pointless convars/commands in demos Probably a lot more of these need doing Fallback menu for when menu.html doesn't exist Should also be used on x86-64 when chromium doesn't launch for whatever reason.
2 Months Ago
Fixed Taunt Camera making view roll permanent Not a perfect fix, but it works
3 Months Ago
Entity translation for scripted_sequence Fixed spawnmenu "Save Changes" / "Revert" buttons not having icons Regression from garrysmod/pull/1954 Fixed no loading screen when playing demos Fixed a bad thing with HTML translations Removed unused code from loading screen Removed usages of GM:LoadGModSaveFailed clientside Update icon_progress.lua Fixed a visual bug with drag'n'drop When the dragged panel's local position is higher than 2048 on any axis Duplicator uses `CurHealth` instead of `Health` Avoid issues with `Health()` function. Also make the NPC inherit duplicator table correctly Base gamemode supports DMG_REMOVENORAGDOLL for players
4 Months Ago
Clean ups Do not force render group of base SNPC/nextbots let the engine decide based on the NPC model Use ENT.WantsTranslucency for Sandbox entities duplicator saves "Make Persistent" setting Fixed misspelled community translations Clamp DAdjustableModelPanel FOV to 0-179 Faceposer: improved handling of too many flexes Fixed some sandbox entities not saving some settings in duplications Such as being frozen by the physics gun Fixed a regression introduced by PR #1787 Fixes issues with addons passing incorrect data types to Entity NetworkVar
5 Months Ago
Cleaning up vgui files
5 Months Ago
TTT: Fix Turkish translation file
5 Months Ago
Do not register duplicator related stuff clientside (Sandbox) Minor cleanup in matproxy library
5 Months Ago
minor cleanups util.SetPData transition to SteamID64
5 Months Ago
Clean ups PLayer:SetPData transition to SteamID64 This is backwards compatible and will eventually convert all data to use SteamID64
5 Months Ago
Make Sky Editor inherit values of existing sky on spawn Minor code adjustments Fix conflicting addon problem stacking file paths
5 Months Ago
Remove TF2 stuff from 360controller.cfg Changes to Options menu Update .gitignore Armor reduction system Added g_ragdoll_maxcount to spawnmenu This is a common issue among players where the cvar is set to 0 and NPC bodies despawn instantly Main menu workshop related changes Add to Favorites function, and vote up/down sync and display improvements Added dummy FizzlerVortex matproxy Fixes some Portal 2 mats to work out of the box Spawnmenu NPC improvements Save and restore NPC (max) health, make the correct NPC spawn when duplicated Read settings/users.txt from MOD path Fix Sandbox gamemode calling SetBodyGroups with nil Code style clean ups Consistency within touched files
6 Months Ago
Fixed targetID being jumpy/jittery Clean ups
6 Months Ago
Fixed spawnmenu cursor position resetting in certain cases Reworked killicon library Updated language files Update string.lua
7 Months Ago
Main Menu changes and additions Disallow making addon presets with empty names Fixed number only names being unable to be deleted Confirmation when deleting addon presets Addon preset importing and exporting
7 Months Ago
Added FGD files
7 Months Ago
Half-Life: Source skill config adjustments More physics related killicons Crosshair customization menu clean ups Portal NPCs related changes Duplicator support, spawnmenu spawn position fix "Failed to find any models for this addon" message adjustments Empty out stored outputs for duplications Lua error fix due to recent engine changes Update garrysmod_english.txt Entity:Set/GetColor Lua implementation
8 Months Ago
Reduce NPC name translation duplication Fixed malformed HTML Reworked base kill feed Portal NPCs Only populated servers contribute to gamemode name This is experimental and may be rolled back Update ClientScheme.res This is for nav_generate UI More NPC class name translations
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Minor style fix
9 Months Ago
Clean ups Duplicator copies sub materials lua_find* access restriction adjustments
9 Months Ago
Move util.CHSpline to math library Prevent concommands appearing in server settings DPanPanel code style fixes & bug fix Fixed "get it all top-left" causing issues with one of my examples in the Pull Request #1197
10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
Fixed issues with properties not working Update legal doc links Fixed up PR #1989
10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
Update detail.vbsp Update gameinfo.txt Fixed a regression with properties library Revert Pull Request #1299 See garrysmod-issues/issues/5495 Do not use magic numbers for net.Read/WriteEntity
10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
Minor tweak for DListView example
10 Months Ago
Remove SWEP:SetDeploySpeed Sandbox tool validity checks constraint library tweaks Mostly validity checks
11 Months Ago
Invert color option for color modify Fix potential spawnmenu search errors on invalid input from addons More validity checks for Sandbox tools garrysmod-issues/issues/5445
11 Months Ago
Update Make it more clear to use tabs and what "Tab size" is.
11 Months Ago
Refresh menu subscribed lists if they are open when subs change garrysmod/pull/1964
11 Months Ago
Add missing cfg files HL1: Source skill cfgs, 360 controller cfgs so they are not ran from mounted games, and mount.cfg
11 Months Ago
Make entity properties more resilient against EyePos issues
1 Year Ago
Fixed a potential Lua error in DLabel:OnMousePressed Fixes garrysmod-issues/issues/5446 Update gmod_winch_controller.lua
1 Year Ago
Move derma icon browser to a more sensible place So we don't have to worry about forcing clients to download a pointless file that returns on execution
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
PropSpawn effect safeguards Move TTT translations to TTT folder Fixed ToolGun:GetToolObject returning local players values for other players clientside
1 Year Ago
Simplify gmod_tool concommand code Call TOOL:ReleaseGhostEntity on holster even when TOOL:Holster doesn't
1 Year Ago
Make string.ToTable work with numbers again Fixes garrysmod-issues/issues/5399
1 Year Ago
base_gmodentity:GetPlayerName doesn't return nils
1 Year Ago
Fix eye poser slider going outside of its bounds
1 Year Ago
Minor changes to internals of Derma_Install_Convar_Functions DSlider ConVar support, added OnValueChanged( x, y ) Fix race condition in eyeposer when resetting a selected entity