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2 Years Ago
Output<T> with an enum now writes proper type to the .fgd
2 Years Ago
PlatformEntity: Fixed stop sound playing when Stop/ToggleMovement is called while the platform is in its TimeToHold wait state PlatformEntity: Fixed the rotation direction being backwards in-game compared to the visualization Added DebugOverlay to (Path)PlatformEntity (ent_text concommand) Merge branch 'master' of sbox
2 Years Ago
Add more movement types to DoorHelper visualizer, and use that for ent_platform Update base.fgd Minor fixes to ent_platform Fixed a typo in LogicEntity description
2 Years Ago
Hammer: Force uniform scale gizmo, this time only for non prop_static models Fixed documentation comment for StandardPostProcess.Falloff ent_path_platform - WarpToPoint also sets angles and fires OnPassed output on nodes KeyframeEntity: Handle negative Time.Now intervals
2 Years Ago
Get rid of unnecessary includes
2 Years Ago
Add more randomness to generic gibs Hammer: Re-enable non uniform scaling for prop_static ModelDoc: Added ability to convert hitboxes to AO proxies
2 Years Ago
Hammer: Prevent non-uniform box scale and scale on models via gizmos
2 Years Ago
Minor cleanups in entity files ent_path_platform improvements Added "WarpToPoint" input Added "Length" property (used for turn angles) Fixed turn angle calculation when using non default Forward Direction Added 'movement_path' entity, which has extra properties and outputs for ent_path_platform movement_path has OnPass output and "Speed" property.
2 Years Ago
Fixed base.fgd not being written, fixed Hammer inputs not having their descriptions in the fgd
2 Years Ago
Fix up break pieces on citizen_props/ models Rename FuncBrush.cs to BrushEntity.cs Added Rotation.Random to complement Vector3/Angles.Random Update base.fgd
2 Years Ago
Added StartPosition option to ent_platform & other minor updates BREAKING CHANGE: ent_platform "Spawn Settings" flags were separated into their own C# properties and now have proper descriptions, maps using "Starts Moving" and "Loop Movement" features will need recompiling Merge branch 'master' of sbox
2 Years Ago
Added DoorEntity.Break input Added Health keyvalue, Break input and OnBreak/OnDamaged outputs to FuncBrush Also renamed FuncBrush class to BrushEntity Fixed KeyframeEntity methods not working correctly with host_timescale above 1 Improvements to documentation of some methods and properties Host.Name, Host.Color, Model game data methods, LogicEntity, ent_platform Update FuncMonitor.cs Give physics to some rust ported junk models Breakables class will now try to spawn generic gibs if model has none Update base.fgd Update .fgd files to remove func_platrot, func_breakable func_breakable is superseded by func_brush
2 Years Ago
Remove env_spark, point_tesla, logic_lineto, physics_cannister, point_gamestats_counter from the base.fgd Fix description of ent_path_platform.StartBackwards
2 Years Ago
Set/GetModel => Model
2 Years Ago
Fix startup assert related to duplicate QT layout Fixed start up exception due to a malformed comment
2 Years Ago
Added DoorEntity.OnDamaged Merge branch 'master' of sbox
2 Years Ago
Adjusted glass surface, added glass.shard and glass.pane surfaces & use those for shatterglass Try to reduce spinning of large shatter glass pieces
2 Years Ago
Hookup map IO on the 2 construct prefabs that use navblockers
2 Years Ago
Unify BinaryReader/BinaryWriter extensions Added Entity.Write(), Entity.Read() Fixed BinaryWriter/BinaryReader entity extensions Make all BinaryWriter/BinaryReader extensions use the class Read/Write methods Added BinaryReader.ReadRotation Added Rotation.Write Added Vector2.Read/Vector2.Write
2 Years Ago
Mention light probe volume in func_water's description
2 Years Ago
Fix Water Ripple stuff creating errors and not working Merge branch 'master' of sbox
2 Years Ago
Fix inheriting from LibraryAttribute not working for entities clientside
2 Years Ago
Hide obsolete water entities from Hammer, update base.fgd
2 Years Ago
Make Color/Color32/Rotation/Vector3.Read static Make Angles.Write not static
2 Years Ago
Default use behavior will try to see if parent entity is usable if the one aimed at isn't
2 Years Ago
Added "Static" property to prop_physics - if set disables physics (gravity) and acts as a nav blocker Implement AttachmentOffset and AttachmentType for ModelParticle ModelDoc node for prop_physics
2 Years Ago
Added ability for ent_door to be breakable. It uses all the same systems as prop_physics do. So prop_data node on the model sets health, break pieces are used from the model, and there's an option to not have the door breakable even if the model is. Added OnBreak output. By default doors are not breakable.
2 Years Ago
Fixed ModelDoc GameData nodes without properties not deserializing correctly
2 Years Ago
Remove non existent projects from groups.vgc InteropGen: Adjust ArgDefinedClass for Resource Handles when the arg is not a return Added Model.ToString to include the model path Flush model game data node cache on model recompile Fixed Prop trying to get model game data of NULL model when its model is recompiled
2 Years Ago
Prevent Surface being able to have itself as the base surface Fixed GlassShard.CalculateArea not working on client func_shatterglass: Added ability to change material when the glass breaks
2 Years Ago
Make Model.GetJson internal Added Model.GetAllData<T>()
2 Years Ago
BaseTrigger handles touching entities properly when Enabling/Disabling Fixes sbox-issues/issues/1255
2 Years Ago
Cleanup base.fgd & s&box.fgd Removed legacy 'master' property from all entities Removed legacy entities: func_illusionary func_wall func_wall_toggle Removed other entities: func_dustcloud func_dustmotes func_fish_pool func_orator game_gib_manager game_player_equip game_player_team info_intermission point_bonusmaps_accessor trigger_xen_foliage_interaction trigger_foliage_interaction logic_achievement info_offscreen_panorama_texture test_traceline
2 Years Ago
Delete Interp.Engine.cs
2 Years Ago
Remove 'Shadow Casting' property in Hammer from non ModelEntity entities Minor changes Moved explosion code from Prop to ExplosionEntity, which now acts as env_explosion replacement, which was removed
2 Years Ago
Fixed entity filter in console not working
2 Years Ago
Make Surface.BaseSurface work Also adds Surface.Get/SetBaseSurface()
2 Years Ago
Fixed rubber surface having a muzzleflash as impact effect
2 Years Ago
Improved "Open away from player" behavior for ent_door for models whose x+ axis is not the "inward" direction
2 Years Ago
func_shatterglass: Fix being able to walk through physics enabled unbroken glass & Do not despawn large glass pieces Adjust wood break plank sound to not be so loud Adjust glass impact sound volume Glass surface has sounds
2 Years Ago
Make 'Couldn't load menu assembly' error contain the whitelist errors Change Host.Color for servers from Blue to Cyan for better readability
2 Years Ago
Fixed CollisionGroup.Always acting as a ladder prop_physics debris/weapon collision groups work as expected BaseWeapon can hit debris
2 Years Ago
Fixed ModelDoc crashing when compiling a gamedata node with no valid FGD class
2 Years Ago
Added ModelDoc.Line/EditorWidget/HandPose attributes
2 Years Ago
Missed an include
2 Years Ago
Apply lock on AllAttributes in Library.GetType just like other Library.Get methods try-catch ModelBreakCommand execution Added PropGib entity which is spawned as gibs instead of Prop, and carries some extra data Implemented (and moved to managed) break_create_joint_revolute model break command
2 Years Ago
Fixed ModelDoc mesh import filter not hiding duplicate counter labels when filtering
2 Years Ago
Fixed blendable materials not getting their 'Blend Material` tag Existing materials will need to be recompiled for this to take effect
2 Years Ago
info_particle_system fixes Fixed not working in skybox Fixed the particle not being attached to the entity itself correctly Added 'Snapshot File' property Fixed it not sending itself to clients always Fixed it not showing its particle path in Entity Report in Hammer
2 Years Ago
Fixed Hammer showing custom ModelDoc nodes as entities