
729 Commits over 791 Days - 0.04cph!

3 Years Ago
[ResourceType()] attribute works with custom asset types
3 Years Ago
Adjusted how prop_physics explosions work Added OnBreak output Added Break input Implemented simple gib limit for props (gibs_max cvar)
3 Years Ago
Added Hammer.OrthoBoundsHelper attribute
3 Years Ago
Minor change to map path nodes on compile Removed hack for editor override for asset fgd gen
3 Years Ago
Fixed a crash when entity keyvalue values over 260 characters contain targetnames to fixup
3 Years Ago
Asset FGD generation supports structs and struct arrays Minor fixes for string.TryToType and Color
3 Years Ago
Add documentation to the remaining trace functions & traceresult fields
3 Years Ago
Implement TraceResult.HitboxIndex for Sweep traces Also default TraceResult.HitboxIndex to -1 when the trace did not hit a hitbox, because hitbox 0 is a valid hitbox. Also is now consistent with TraceResult.Bone Adding PhysicsBody.SetSurface
3 Years Ago
[Hammer.Sphere] can now accept a float instead of a string key for static range
3 Years Ago
Added C# documentation to PhysicsBody and related classes that explains how they all relate to each other ModelDoc: drag'n'drop also works for vmdl(_c) files Fixed a minor bug with line tool helper Added Hammer.Line, Hammer.BoxSize, Hammer.BoundsHelper attributes Also adds IsLean option to Hammer.Sphere
3 Years Ago
Deprecated renderamt keyvalue in favor of rendercolor alpha channel ModelDoc shows .vmdl_c files in Open File dialog by default Hammer: Entity tint color better represents what it will look like in-game Disable tint alpha for meshes in Hammer as it gets lost during map compile Improve multiselect handling of color property's alpha text input On select displays average of all selected objects Tie to World and Untie from Entity commands copy the rendercolor between entity and mesh Force mesh alpha in Hammer to 255 when rendering This is temporary to prevent confusion when hammer and in-game do not match Merge branch 'master' of sbox
3 Years Ago
Move Hierarchy category above targetname in Hammer More dynamic way to hide certain keyvalues for SupportsSolids brushes hide_when_solid = true KV3 metadata key Merge branch 'master' of sbox 'alpha = true' KV3 metadata tag for color255 fgd type now enables alpha selection Alpha was always exported by color255, but was never actually editable. Added 'inline' alpha entry to color255 property editor Force alpha to 255 if alpha editing is not enabled (color255 fgd type) Prevents cases where alpha was stored and loaded as non 255 and is unable to be edited/fixed. Added ability for embedded properties (Hammer) to have KV3 meta data Merge branch 'master' of sbox
3 Years Ago
AutoFGD: 'Render Properties' to 'Rendering'
3 Years Ago
Removing usage of legacy per property metadata keys in AutoFGD in favor of KV3 metadata section like entities already use The old and new systems cannot be used together (like Asset AutoFGD was trying to do), and the new system allows for any random key-value sets to be stored, not only those from a predefined set in the old system. This commit also loads data from the new system into the internal fields old system was loading into, so there's no functionality loss. Obsoletes Hammer.FieldMetaDataAttribute.AddMetadata( List<string> ) in favor of AddMetadata( Dictionary<string, string> )
3 Years Ago
Hide 'World Model' related keyvalues for SupportsSolids brush entities
3 Years Ago
Fixed Output<T> not being created properly on entities Display AutoTags above user defined tags in asset brower/Hammer/etc
3 Years Ago
Hammer displays Input/Output parameter types in the Outputs tab
3 Years Ago
Added Output<T>, provides the correct output type in the FGD Obsoletes Output.FireWithParam, use Output<T>.Fire AutoFGD: Ignore 'activator' parameter when deciding what fgdtype to write for an Input
3 Years Ago
Hide overlays from Materials tab in Hammer, they appear in Overlays tab already
3 Years Ago
Ignore _bakeresourcecache.vpk files in asset browser Automatically hide Hammer entity icons from Hammer's material list This is so that there's less useless clutter in Hammer's material selection
3 Years Ago
Asset browser displays and searches though real file extension, not the asset type file extension (which is jpg for all images)
3 Years Ago
Lighting Preview files are extracted next to the map itself, not in the "leafiest"/last loaded mod
3 Years Ago
write baked light probe cache vtex via full path so it doesn't end up in the wrong folder
3 Years Ago
Fixed path_particle_rope not showing up in game
3 Years Ago
Necessary key values on map compile for node<->path linking in C#
3 Years Ago
Fixed multi physics body models flying off to space/resetting angles when using keyframe/static physics
3 Years Ago
Added Particles.SetSnapshot
3 Years Ago
Added Particles.SetModel Added ability to get break_command_list data from models Merge branch 'master' of sbox
3 Years Ago
Add a tip about restarting the game to 'is from an unrecognized content path' message in material editor
3 Years Ago
ModelDoc 'Unable to load the FGD file' now include the errors Merge branch 'master' of sbox
3 Years Ago
Fixed a crash in KeyValues3ToJson when given invalid KV3 data Error handling for FGDCurve, added IsValid, Mins, Maxs
3 Years Ago
Do not write a gamemode .fgd if it will contain no entities FGDCurve can be used in Assets (Added JSON deserializer)
3 Years Ago
Do not write a gamemode .fgd if the gamemode has no entities
3 Years Ago
FGDWriter strips away invalid symbols for baseproperties class
3 Years Ago
Added MathX.Remap Added curve support to custom Entity properties via FGDCurve class
3 Years Ago
Added support for IList, List, IReadOnlyCollection to Asset autoFGD Added support for TagList in assets
3 Years Ago
Added Tags field to all entities in Hammer Restore other Hierarchy properties in FGD autogen and do not duplicate then for every entity, use baseclasses instead Support for basic arrays in asset autofgd
3 Years Ago
Make tag list editor in Hammer take less space per tag
3 Years Ago
ModelDoc: Warn if model has too many bodygroups
3 Years Ago
Restore documentation on EntityTags/TagList, fixed EntityTags.HasAny
3 Years Ago
Also do not hide cordons with hide unselected that makes a selection set Fixed Undos not updating cordon visibility
3 Years Ago
Fixed asserts in Hammer with that uses RenderThickLine QuickHide Unselected doesn't hide cordons Previous caused everything to disappear which is clearly unhelpful
3 Years Ago
Added ITagList interface for TagList and Internal.EntityTags, Added ITagList.HasAny( ITagList ), ITagList.Toggle
3 Years Ago
Make escaping quotemarks in console commands work Fixes specially formatted chat messages breaking up, and other not yet encountered issues
3 Years Ago
Remove point_*command entities from the native code
3 Years Ago
Fixed a typo in Transform.Add docs Fixes sbox-issues/issues/939
3 Years Ago
Added Sandbox.TagList struct, interfaces with "tags" FGD type Fixed a minor issue with "tags" FGD editor
3 Years Ago
Bump COORD_NOTINIT so Hammer selection bounds don't get clamped to 99999 in every direction
3 Years Ago
Fixed "Open X assets in external tool Y" opening way too many editors
3 Years Ago
Added Particles.SetPositionComponent and Particles.SetOrientation