3,060 Commits over 3,928 Days - 0.03cph!
wip ui changes
spawn menu cards higher
fix fence model, levelgen fences
zombies can spawn with ammo
person chat wip
soldier pic
day survivor spawn
rescuable map vision
a starting survivor spawns with ammo
survivor hover outline
box select detection improvement
day soldier spawn
survivor outline fade
fade out person lights on death
highlight current build structure type
rescuable survivor wip
rescuable contact
reload button color/hotkey
survivors can melee
soldier lights
survivor lights
survivor light lerping
fade minimap pixels at night
light flash
move pos target
shoot/impact particles
blood spurt
blood decal
blood drop
directional fov
person isvisible
toggle vis stuff off
soldier grenade
remove deleted clothing
grenade launcher
turret fixes etc
building indicator
build command indicator
turret build - choose direction after choosing position
fix PlayerSquish collision
show more leaderboard entries
transform api changes
music stuff and curse stuff
updated spritetools
music misc
curse difficulties
more difficulty player sprites
crate day spawn
can right click minimap, etc
day night light color
day night light movement
zombie night spawn
fix fear pain %
music wip
camera rotated offset
grid line of sight
minimap texture
minimap rotation
minimap hover gridpos
minimap pixel flashing
minimap frustum wip
can move cam with minimap
fire stack perk
tweak frozen shard perk
more balancing
diff 5
balance tweaks
fear sfx fix
more balance tweaks
more diff 3 balancing
diff 4
reroll pickup
particle floater text
diff 3 balancing
runner special
difficulty 2 balance
spawn less enemies after boss arrives
max difficulty status attribute
special spitter
spitter elite special
dont despawn enemy bullet if it kills player
spiker special
charger special
fix player deceleration dt
prevent bottom leaderboard row getting clipped
decelerate enemy after collision forces added, instead of before
exploder special
disabled achievements in easy mode
stopwatch lerp timescale up
bullet impact clouds, fix death cam zoom
fix cursor hotspots
attack satellite perk
radius multiplier status
specialist perk
perk icon ui improvements etc
menu changes
enemy cheer sfx
change kill heal status, etc
charm stuff
adjust menu, zombie elite, etc
hp regen floaters
more cheer anims
boss cheer
player death sprite
player death blood
player death zoom/shake
easy player death sprite
diff 1 death sprite
zombie celebrate
balance, reduce blood/coin overhead
reroll attack speed status
balance, crown
lava warning
balance, remove crown etc
early boss
mystery box sprite/icon
hook up dash sound in player prefab
tried to avoid overlapping lava
exploder lava
lava sfx
adjust particle text size
enemies find closest player
can check enemy line of sight to player
dont aggro target unless can see them
enemy w/o aggro target pathfinds to nearest player
fix room generation collection changed error
move stuff to pathfinding class
show player grid pos
show pathfinding debug
more enemies
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-roomlite
more rooms
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-roomlite