userRyleigh Kostashcancel

358 Commits over 92 Days - 0.16cph!

9 Years Ago
[platformer] added spike sprites, started subclassing Block
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of
9 Years Ago
[platformer] blocks dont switch direction as often
9 Years Ago
[platformer] eyes blink on impact
9 Years Ago
[platformer] added mouth images to blocks
9 Years Ago
[platformer] block eyes look in movement direction
9 Years Ago
[platformer] player can push the sides of blocks
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of
9 Years Ago
[platformer] walls of the room can have spikes
9 Years Ago
[platformer] blocks display their current and next direction
9 Years Ago
[platformer] blocks pause for a sec after impact
9 Years Ago
[platformer] fixed some spike collision false positives
9 Years Ago
[platformer] blocks can have spikes on the sides
9 Years Ago
[platformer] think i finally got crush detection working well enough
9 Years Ago
[platformer] fixed some crush false positives
9 Years Ago
[platformer] fixed an offset issue when pushed out of bounds while on a block
9 Years Ago
[platformer] further fixed falling on a downward moving block
9 Years Ago
[platformer] improved crush detection more, improved grabbing/landing on blocks moving away from player
9 Years Ago
[platformer] fixed some stuff, added blocks that move around clockwise
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of
9 Years Ago
[platformer] improved crush detection
9 Years Ago
[platformer] player checks for being crushed
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'deploy'
9 Years Ago
added janky platforming base
9 Years Ago
file untracked meta file
9 Years Ago
fixed typo in tutorial
9 Years Ago
updated tutorial code dl link
9 Years Ago
edited tutorial docs
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'deploy' of into deploy
9 Years Ago
fixed type
9 Years Ago
fixing fucked up gifs
9 Years Ago
more tutorial tweaks and images
9 Years Ago
tutorial tweaking and some images
9 Years Ago
removed some casting code
9 Years Ago
fix image syntax
9 Years Ago
tutorial image test
9 Years Ago
split up the tutorial into multiple markdown files
9 Years Ago
added tutorial game and text
9 Years Ago
changed IsPlaying to IsPaused
9 Years Ago
added a JustBecameNonzero property to Axis2
9 Years Ago
added an IsPlaying property to Animation
9 Years Ago
added a GetFrame accessor to Animation
9 Years Ago
a couple doc clarifications
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'deploy'
9 Years Ago
doc formatting tweak
9 Years Ago
some more docs