userSam Pavloviccancel

30 Commits over 306 Days - 0.00cph!

Correct roughness curve for dynamic reflections
Start adapting denoiser to new API Iterate denoiser
5 Days Ago
Update Dynamic Reflections
5 Days Ago
IES Profile as an asset, add sample IES profile
5 Days Ago
Use I8 instead of RGBA8888 for IESTextureGenerator Support for horizontal angles in IES
7 Days Ago
Iterate Dynamic Reflections Component, add shader Iterate Dynamic Reflections Component, almost feature complete
9 Days Ago
Direct port of IES Profile Texture from hackweek into TextureGenerator, use Source instead of a file for now
15 Days Ago
Update Viewmodel scene with ssao also showcasing proper prepass
15 Days Ago
Remove GTAO include code from scenestaging DynamicReflections component stub
47 Days Ago
Add Shader Classes Test
48 Days Ago
Update terrain scene, adjust things, envmapprobe had inverse scale (wtf), use ibl, should be a good starting point to have a terrain with nice lighting setup
55 Days Ago
Update Roughness_test
55 Days Ago
Add roughness test scene, Compares if IBL GGX Filter matches reference
2 Months Ago
Water uses Emission & Schlick fresnel rather than Albedo for refraction Remove Reflection mode from water, do it all inline, it's overcomplicating things and the way to do this is being changed, it's unlikely we can manage to do SSR with roughness fast on translucents, go back to Albedo rather than Emission for now
2 Months Ago
GTAO in Scenestaging
2 Months Ago
Ssao.scene tests both ao techniques at once
2 Months Ago
Rewrite FFT Wave, wip
3 Months Ago
Fixedupdate on fluid simulation, smoke
3 Months Ago
Liquid Test from HC2 and Water2, stub FFT wave shader
4 Months Ago
Ortho test scene
5 Months Ago
update depth of field scene
5 Months Ago
LatticeDeform stub WIP Lattice Deform updated depth of field scene to better benchmark against dof2
6 Months Ago
Transparency Sorting Test Scene
6 Months Ago
Add Cornel Box with Fog for testing dynamic indirect fog lighting
7 Months Ago
Cornel Box scene with moving light for GI test
8 Months Ago
Update Fog.Cubemap test scene
8 Months Ago
Readd Skyballs an ambient light test scene
8 Months Ago
Add Cornell Box scene
9 Months Ago
Add Light Cookie test scene
10 Months Ago
Update cubemap.dynamic.scene with actual dynamic cubemaps